Name that Film!


Another clue:

1) A man makes an appointment to see someone on a Tuesday
2) The man has not been sleeping in a proper bed and has been scrounging whatever he can from people for a little while previous to this appointment
3) The man is stuck somewhere for a significant amount of time after this appointment, so that he can fulfill a promise
4) Previous to arriving at this place where he becomes stuck, the man had a trip on an aeroplane



Junior Administrator
Another clue because paddy fails:

1) A man makes an appointment to see someone on a Tuesday
2) The man has not been sleeping in a proper bed and has been scrounging whatever he can from people for a little while previous to this appointment
3) The man is stuck somewhere for a significant amount of time after this appointment, so that he can fulfill a promise
4) Previous to arriving at this place where he becomes stuck, the man had a trip on an aeroplane
5) During the movie, the man becomes very close with an Air Hostess


Another clue because paddy fails:

1) A man makes an appointment to see someone on a Tuesday
2) The man has not been sleeping in a proper bed and has been scrounging whatever he can from people for a little while previous to this appointment
3) The man is stuck somewhere for a significant amount of time after this appointment, so that he can fulfill a promise
4) Previous to arriving at this place where he becomes stuck, the man had a trip on an aeroplane
5) During the movie, the man becomes very close with an Air Hostess

Oh oh oh,

Is it Anger Management??


Junior Administrator
The terminal


(please don't hurt me paddy...)

11: Ronin Storm
10: Xylak,Solemn
7: waterproofbob, Huung
6: Ki!ler-Mk1, Zooggy
5: silkth
4: DocBot
3: Panda, Kasatka, Pwnstar, paddyobrien,thatbloke, BiG_D
2: Chuchu, PeePee, Iron Fist, Sasser, luc
1: elDiablo, Wol, comrade_phil, Tempscire, Corenith


Staff member
Yeah I keep forgetting about this. If someone else wants to take over go for it, otherwise I'll remember eventually I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
lol! I wasn't playing, but the thread seems to have died, so I nominate Solemn to do the next one.


New Member
Clearly Mr and Mrs Smith...

Clearly this is correct..

Come on guys... its a movie I picked, you had to know it had Angelina Jolie in it ;)

Over to you:)

11: Ronin Storm
10: Xylak,Solemn
7: waterproofbob, Huung
6: Ki!ler-Mk1, Zooggy
5: silkth
4: DocBot
3: Panda, Kasatka, Pwnstar, paddyobrien,thatbloke, BiG_D
2: Chuchu, PeePee, Iron Fist, Sasser, luc
1: elDiablo, Wol, comrade_phil, Tempscire, Corenith, eMP3Danie