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New Member
Sorry, I phrased that badly. I meant the extremist communists, who go out and tell people to vote for them or suffer.


In Cryo Sleep
Taffy, if you don't have the bad, then the good won't be good, it will be middle of the road....
If you get rid of one extreme then the other goes too.

If you can name even one extreme good that counter-balances those extreme "bads", I'll give you a cookie ;).

Oh, and Taffster...

Taffy said:
... Neo-Nazis, communists, KKK etc. need to be oppressed. Their views need to be abolished from society, not accepted.

The members of those groups (exclusing communists), say just the sort of things your saying, but from the other side of the fence.

Be like Jesus, love everyone. Especially the ladies :).


Yeh i don't like the French either, been to France many a time... 4 times in fact, and nope, i try to like them but as a whole, and im sorry if i offend ppl, i really don't care, go cry to ur mum bout some guy on ur Forum that keeps being a "nasty man"....

But i find that the French are rude, up ther own arse's and extremely xenophobic...

OMG i just described the English... lol

I hate the French, i have a French best mate that lives on the same army camp as i do... Best mate i ever had, still hate the French tho, and they hate us


French----English relations FTW!!



In Cryo Sleep
Ooh, Tac. There isn't any need for that!

The English are discriminated against more openly at the moment than any other nation save America (well, I say that, but I don't really know how other countries percive the world about them :)). So you see its okay for people to bitch about the Angles because as a dominant country you can take it on the chin. Discriminating against people bigger than you is fine, but picking on those weaker than you isn't quite so acceptable.

That's why you shouldn't jabber about silly Frenchies, and that's why the English don't bitch about the Scots, but the Scots bitch about the English :D.


New Member
Oh. Thats means the Brits can't have a go at ANYONE, but EVERYONE can have a go at the Brits, 'cause we are just the best. Thats a silly rule, Pia, and you know it.


In Cryo Sleep
I would idley conjecture (as I generally do), that it is in fact the Canadians who are greatest. They who are the lest likely to complain about anything and recieve a generous amount of merry disdain in return.

Or perhaps the Swiss, but that's because they don't say much, and no-one understands when they do :).


Staff member
Tbh the only thing I (or anyone I know for that matter) have had a go at the brits for lately is the "hand-puppet-to-the-US" thing. And that particular thing only goes to show that your (democratically elected) government seems to think that the US, in fact, are the greatest.

:P ;)


New Member
Meh. Tony Blair is a mug. EVERYONE knows that. Mind you, there aren't any very good alternatives at the moment. Menzies Campbell wouldn't get anything done, as his frequent naps would interupt everything. And David Cameron is just a slightly-more-but-not-that-much-more right wing version of the great grinner himself, Blair. And Gordon Brown is just bad news.


Well-Known Member
Meh. Tony Blair is a mug. EVERYONE knows that. Mind you, there aren't any very good alternatives at the moment. Menzies Campbell wouldn't get anything done, as his frequent naps would interupt everything. And David Cameron is just a slightly-more-but-not-that-much-more right wing version of the great grinner himself, Blair. And Gordon Brown is just bad news.

Long story short, better with the devil you know? :)


Junior Administrator
I actually like Tony Blair, all in all considering everything that has happened during his time in office i believe he has been an excellent prime minister.
Don't get me wrong i do not agree with his parties politics and i pity the man for having the ugliest woman in the world for a wife.
But as a PM i reckon he's done alright.


Well-Known Member
Oh I don't know, there is something about Cherie...



In Cryo Sleep
It's the smile, or the grimace, or the deadly weapons system or whatever you want to call it.

'State of this coupon!

Anyway, asides from the abrasive abuse of Cherie Blair, I agree completely with young bob's post there. As far as I'm concerned, big Tony-B has done pretty well given the godawful hand he was dealt.

^ Nanor, you made me spew forth my lunch. Try This one on for size.


New Member
big Tony-B has done pretty well given the godawful hand he was dealt.

What? Margaret Thatcher gave him the best legacy he could have hoped for. sure, John Major was a bit of a twit, but he didn't screw it up that badly. He flushed the Conservative party down the drain, but he managed to keep the country in a good condition. Blair has just cocked it up, and Gordon Brown is going to be even worse.


Junior Administrator
Blair has just cocked it up, and Gordon Brown is going to be even worse.

ok in what way has Blair "cocked it up", just thought I'd ask.
As to my mind he's done a generally very solid job and it wasn't John major who screwed conservatives, it was their time to go, their archaic political views were ready to go.


New Member
How has Blair cocked it up, you ask? Well, try the NHS, Education, The Iraq War, Afghanistan or the Home Office. It's a disgrace, and you know somethings wrong when your National Health Service is making people more ill than they were before they went into hospital. It's unacceptable, and Blair is just lucky that there haven't been any real alternatives the last two elections, or he would have gone.


Nazi's > KKK > Communists > Jesus > Cherie Blair > Labour Party > NHS > Iraq War

Aha, this thread just proved something I've suspected all along.

Proportion of Nazi's is inversely related to the NHS and War!

As Nazi's increase - NHS Gets rubbish, more war!

Genius, thank you THN :s
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