new MMO; Rift. Beta sign ups..


Active Member
Biotch. I finally understood how it works yesterday - the key we got is nothing more than a raffle ticket. We may be chosen, we may not. I wasn't, apparently Chuchu wasn't either. Next weekend the tickets will be re-drawn, so you may not get it and we may. Or the other way around.

Also, this is possibly the worst worded beta ever. A beta invite key indicates an access to something - after all it's a key. We don't get squat though. Way to get bad publicity, Trion >.< Displeased Angelic is displeased.


Staff member
It's funny you talk about it being poorly worded... The sites are pretty damn clear about what the keys do for you. Sounds like you didn't actually read anything.


Active Member
It's funny you talk about it being poorly worded... The sites are pretty damn clear about what the keys do for you. Sounds like you didn't actually read anything.
I read the site, "mate". It's just that "usually" keys unlock something. This key doesn't. They talk about joining them in immersing in the Telara world and whatnot, Curse hasn't even handed out all of the keys they got to hand out yet the unlucky of us get absolutely squat, zinch, nothing. They have the fine print in order alright, but let's face it, most of us don't register into betas and apply god-damned keys to yet another account they had to create to read more fine print and "increase their chances" but rather to get bloody in.


Staff member said:
Get A Rift Beta Code For Increased Chance of Being Selected
Want a better chance at getting into the Rift beta weekend events? We've got you covered! We're giving away 50,000 special beta codes that you can apply to your Trion Account, increasing your chances of being selected in the random beta tester drawings.
Doesn't look like it's hidden in the fine print to me... It's right it the post's title!

And Gamestop has the following bolded right in the middle of their page:

Please note: Receiving a Rift Game beta invite key is the best way for a player to be invited to a Trion World Rift event, but does not guarantee access.

You assumed the system works differently than it does, despite very clear indications of how it works. I don't think you can blame the developer for that.


Staff member
I'd agree to differ on this one chaps, doesn't look like its going anywhere good.


Active Member
Yeah I didn't get it from Gamestop (hence not seeing the bold stuff) and I'm inclined to believe that even Curse didn't have that when I got my key. Perhaps Chuchu or Haven or someone could corroborate that belief, but I'm not sure. There was quite some outrage about the way this seems to have mislead some people on the Trion forums, so perhaps the partner sites like Gamestop and Curse added these informations so as to avoid further confusion. I really don't remember seeing that stuff.

Then again that may have been me being tunnel-vision focused on the "GIMME THE KEY DAMMIT" button ^^


I'm like 5 mins from finishing my download, want some proper opinions / Screenshots that wasn't done by someone who was paid to review the game?

Made a char on: Lotham. PVP Realm. Defiants.


After about an hour playing as a Templar (Tank), I can honestly say, this game is totally worth it (Can't vouch for end game / PVP yet, though.). It's trying to be a WoW clone, but at the same time, it's different, and fun. If you get into the Beta, reccomend you play it.


Active Member
Post what NDA allows you, Gombol, I'll be excited to hear about it :) Is it responsive (to clicks and shit)? Does it handle well? Do the graphics not draw you too much away from the flow of combat (like in FF14 or some other mostly japanese games)? I'd rather like to play it :)


Post what NDA allows you, Gombol, I'll be excited to hear about it :) Is it responsive (to clicks and shit)? Does it handle well? Do the graphics not draw you too much away from the flow of combat (like in FF14 or some other mostly japanese games)? I'd rather like to play it :)

It's rather responsive (Instant casts are really instant cast, unlike say..AION where it took like a second to react.

Handles rather well, normal MMO controls (WSAD, Mouse Movement, Click to target, etc.) Graphics...Well. My Lappy is "Semi Good" (Can run Black Ops on high, fine. Apart from 5 seconds of lag at the start of a map, after loading it.) and runs fine.

I'm not sure about the rules, but I'll take a few nice screenshots.

There any space on the Prom upload thingy for some? Or shall I use Image shack / Photobucket?

[mod]No to images that are under NDA, use gallery.thn for anyting that is allowed to be posted. Haven[/mod]


Active Member
I'd go with Imageshack/Photobucket, safer that way. And yes, AION nonresponsiveness was what I was thinking.


A nice little feature I just found out.

If you have a small group of Mobs at your feet (that you've killed), you loot them all at once.


Well-Known Member
It's got all the shall we call them "wow standard" features such as !'s on NPC quest givers.

Graphics are in a league of their own.

You can search your bags. You can change the UI to whatever you want (like in EQ2). When re-mapping keys you can simply hover over the quickbar slot and press the new key.

Gameplay seems pretty standard so far. Nothing new on the combat front.

Classes/talents are similar to wow, you can have up to three trees, by obtaining souls. So far I have two souls thus two trees - my primary is pyromancer which is basicaslly fire mage. Secondary is elementalist, so I can summon a rock pet. There's a lot of classes and specs, so many that I'm worried they'll struggle to balance the game.

Storyline is very good, pretty fresh actually. Quests are well-written.

Overall very polished to say it's early beta / late alpha.

Not sure I'm allowed to post screens on NDA but it is shiney. If I'm bored of cata by the time it launches I can say with confidence I'll be giving it a go.


What serer ya on, Silky? Maybe if more from THN get accepted, we can start a guild.

If you're on mine, my char is: Gombol (Obviously. :p)


Staff member
I've realised that the whole lottery system on this beta is annoying me enough that I now no longer have any interest in the game - they've created bad feeling pre-launch so I guess not so successful marketing for me at least :)

Dropping all interest on this one now.


Junior Administrator
Not on topic, but related to the subject of NDA protected material / content:

For those people on an NDA, read it before posting anything here.... I know what NDA's are like, we've got one at work signed with Disney... if we do anything that steps outside of it, we're in for one of the most expensive legal battles EVER, to take a nice little metaphor; up shit creek without a paddle.

THN is a public place, not private, so posting things here can have consequences.

Haven may correct me on this, but I believe THN's stance on NDA protected content, is if people post information that is under an NDA knowingly, then it can/will be removed. From a legal point of view THN is not responsible and it's down to the user.

If you read this as a personal attack, it is not. It is an FYI.