Got my invite. 
I read the site, "mate". It's just that "usually" keys unlock something. This key doesn't. They talk about joining them in immersing in the Telara world and whatnot, Curse hasn't even handed out all of the keys they got to hand out yet the unlucky of us get absolutely squat, zinch, nothing. They have the fine print in order alright, but let's face it, most of us don't register into betas and apply god-damned keys to yet another account they had to create to read more fine print and "increase their chances" but rather to get bloody in.It's funny you talk about it being poorly worded... The sites are pretty damn clear about what the keys do for you. Sounds like you didn't actually read anything.
Doesn't look like it's hidden in the fine print to me... It's right it the post's title!curse.com said:Get A Rift Beta Code For Increased Chance of Being Selected
Want a better chance at getting into the Rift beta weekend events? We've got you covered! We're giving away 50,000 special beta codes that you can apply to your Trion Account, increasing your chances of being selected in the random beta tester drawings.
Post what NDA allows you, Gombol, I'll be excited to hear about itIs it responsive (to clicks and shit)? Does it handle well? Do the graphics not draw you too much away from the flow of combat (like in FF14 or some other mostly japanese games)? I'd rather like to play it