New Specs


Junior Administrator
No, not new glasses.

Had some time to kill during lunch so decided to see what the talent tree looked like for warlocks in Wrath and come up with my new spec for when the 2.5 patch hits.

Is what I have come up with for an affliction lock.

I will lose the benefit of extra casting range but there are so many more talents in there that increase the damage done by my dots that I don't care.

And Haunt looks like the Mutt's Nuts.

Any other locks, or indeed anyone else got anything to comment?

What about other classes? Any idea what you want to do yet? :)


Well-Known Member
I'll be staying Ret with Arithidrimme, even if they don't fix the tree right (right now we can't keep our mana pools going well enough for sustained damage AT ALL), and I'm still not sure if I'll be Deep Fire or Deep Arcane with Lithy, as both are very shiny fun. I'll post trees later if I can come to final decisions (I keep playing with talents; 1c respec costs ftw!)


Well-Known Member
Huung is going to go PvP by the looks of the ele tree changes, whilst Itchi will likely take over as my main PvE...

That is, assuming I still play after starting WAR...

On looking at your new lock spec, Haunt = godly! I was looking at it, decided it was a fair effect as its only 12 seconds; then I noticed it has a 10 second CD, so it comes off the CD whilst being used. THATS OFFICALLY INSANE. Gratz to you :p

Ive noticed in all the caster trees, we now have talents to increase casting speed (aka a kind of haste, just without decrease to spell CD) which is pretty awesome. Means lots more crazy particle effects flying all over the place :D


Well-Known Member
Ive noticed in all the caster trees, we now have talents to increase casting speed (aka a kind of haste, just without decrease to spell CD) which is pretty awesome. Means lots more crazy particle effects flying all over the place :D

Arcane gets a 3 point talent to gain 6% flat spellhaste; combine with the flat spellhaste from being in the raid with a boomkin and suddenly Arcane Missiles is veeerrry tasty ^_^


In Cryo Sleep
I think I'd probably use this as my prot spec come level 80. I like the look of the new talents at the bottom of the tree giving 45% mana reduction to avengers shield among other things. Also finding out what this "Shield of Righteousness" spell is, that one of those talents alludes to, may be something to look into. :)

However, the "Seals of the Pure" talent in the holy tree looks tempting to the point of taking 5 points in it but I'm not sure what I could get rid of yet until I'm able to test the tree out.

It also looks like Holy Paladins are going to be speccing further down the prot tree to get "Divine Guardian" and it also looks like my Ret-bitch, I mean Arithidrimme (Did I spell it right?) is going to be more useful to me than ever. :)


Well-Known Member
Does make me wonder though, how large will our mana pools be to maintain this over a boss encounter? :O


Active Member
After I've spent some time looking at the trees, I'm 100% sure I'll stay Holy. The thing to decide now is, however, whether I'll go holy/disc and take Meditation, or spec fully into Holy and hope to make up the regen difference utilizing the Holy Concentration and Guardian Spirit spammage (I'm assuming lvl 70, things might be very different by the time I hit 80 - if I ever do!).

Right now I'm not informed enough and do not have enough time and theorycrafting knowledge up my sleeves to post a definite build, but I must say the idea of Holy as it appears on talent calculators seems quite tasty. Too bad they nerfed the CoH so that it costs about 960 mana now -.-


In Cryo Sleep
Here is what I'm thinking of for level 80 in the current Wrath build. Had to sacrifice a couple of minor things in Fury, but Two-Handed Weapon Specialization AND Titan's Grip? Shiny.

Might take a couple of points out of it and put them in Fury, but so far I don't think so. It all depends on what Enraged Assault does and what its cooldown is.


In Cryo Sleep
If I were to continue playing, I'd definitely go for this spec. Includes the extra spell power from Inner fire, and I can't seem to find anything else to boost my DPS, so I chucked it Imp. Shadowform for the occasion when I do decide to PVP :).


In Cryo Sleep
Lol, well, spec 0/0/0 is pretty balanced and well optimized for both damaging and healing at the same time IMO, nah I'm just kidding, I did this out, it just didn't work :P. Will try again!

EDIT. Bleh, can't get it working :S How annoying ah well, I've pretty much described it up above! :D


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Too much choice. There is supposed to be more changes inc but at the moment I think i would go for this.

Survival of the Fittest makes us totally uncrittable now.
Mother Bear looks interesting (for every member in our party we get reduced damage by 3%)
and interesting extras to see how they work like Beserk, King of the Jungle (could be useful on Bosses where you need a lot of threat instantly) and improved mangle.

Going to have to see how it goes me thinks.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to even think about choosing between Fire and Arcane until they're a bit more finalised. I've tried both thus far and both are very fun, but I'll see how it goes. I really don't know which is more fun... the mad AoE and freaky Pyroblast madness of new Fire, or the sheer single-target DPS I can sometimes put out as Arcane (Focus Magic is awesome, and the various procs are awesome)


Active Member
Well, respecs are cheap anyway so I'll try this spec and see what happens. More spirit goodness + Guardian Spirit spammage = win!

With the changes to Holy Concentration and the Guardian Spirit I will ditch the Meditation and rely on pure spirit-based regen combined with by Bangle of Endless Blessings.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

I'd probably stick with something very much like this.

Serendipity for that overheal spammage win. :)



In Cryo Sleep
Aye, Q-man. Changing mine for 61 points is simple: Take the last 10 out of Arms. Everything in that tree comes under nice-but-not-essential.


In Cryo Sleep