New talents / spells / abilities... love 'em or hate 'em?

Do you like your new talents / spells / abilities?

  • No. I now suck.

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Well-Known Member
Protection paaldin.. now needs to HIT a mob to get the 15% shield buff and mana regen - also no longer has any personal / solo options for health regen (sans heals). Nerfed beyond usefullness. nuff said.


Well-Known Member
QQ much? You've still got a self-healing seal if it's that much of a problem, and an instant cast that uses holy power instead of mana (and also procs your beloved holy shield).

Prot is fine, give it time and l2p before you qq.


Well-Known Member
I've found protadins to be a hell of a lot better now, I can't believe you're actually complaining you have to hit something to get a buff which does what you had as passive. If you didn't get that buff anymore, that would be a nerf, but what you have is a simple class modification. It's not like they're asking you to remember a 10-digit long sequence and press that to get the buff, they just ask you to hit something...

...and I thought I was whingy with the bear changes... jeez


Active Member
Been playing prots for a bit and we´re fine. Between SoI and WoG we have enough selfhealing. The Holy Shield nerf is a bit of a nerf, I admit (30% and always up to 15% and only sometimes up), and I dont think I have yet understood the changes to Consec. I get that I´m supposed to use HW instead now, but Consec is so long CD and low damage that it just feels like a bit of a useless spell now. It basically swapped roles with HW, but that one at least stunned enemies and Consec being a AoE DoT that you could fire on the ground was more useful in grabbing enemies than one-fire spell such as the current HW. Am I making sense? Its kinda early and my english is not that up to par.


Well-Known Member
Protection paaldin.. now needs to HIT a mob to get the 15% shield buff and mana regen - also no longer has any personal / solo options for health regen (sans heals). Nerfed beyond usefullness. nuff said.

This sounds suspiciously like you're trying to approach playing Protadin using the old mindset and not adapting sufficiently. Not only have I not really seen any Protadins having survivability trouble or too much in the way of threat issues (unless Masia or myself cut loose... no threat reduction + single hits going over 30k = baaaaad for not pulling), but I've probably seen Protadins doing better recently than the other specs. Apart from Lideon, but the man's an immortal threat machine.

Also, no personal/solo options for health regen? Did you fail to notice Word of Glory? Until 81, it IS your only use of Holy Power besides SotR, and there's a reason that WoG-emphatic specs for Prot are proving quite popular and effective right now :p


Well-Known Member
Yup thought word of glory was healy spec, my bad.. that's better :)

tbh I am finding tanking just fine, it's just a bit iffy that it has to hit now. Saying that, I have now hit-capped myself - need to expertise cap next.


In Cryo Sleep
Druid : I actually quite like druid tanking now. Because its harder, it feels alot more satisfying. Healing wise, im sorry but I REALLY hate it. I wont be healing on my druid, ill be transferring my shammy or paladin, or perhaps levelling a new one. I know some people love the new druid healing, but I dont :P

Mage : Still tinkering. Im working on a viable frost build, i think there nerfbat has hit it in places, but the buffbucket has been applied elsewhere.

Rogue : Search me, i didnt play it at 80 much. Sub seems now like a VERY good fun pvp spec, and from what I can see and hear, Mutilate looks very good fun for pve. Time will see.

Paladin : I havent had much time, but it looks good. I quite liked being a 2 button class, it meant you were so much different from everything else as a healer. I havent had chance to try EVERYTHING on my paladin out yet, but tanking seems good too.

Priest : Still getting to grips with my LX priest. Healing wise, it all looks pretty good. Shadow wise, i havent tried yet.

Shaman : Elemental doesnt seem to have changed alot, but Enhancement looks like its now great fun to level with (hence why im levelling another one :d)


New Member
Rogue : Search me, i didnt play it at 80 much. Sub seems now like a VERY good fun pvp spec, and from what I can see and hear, Mutilate looks very good fun for pve. Time will see.

Combat is dead, Mutilate all the way for both PvP and PvE @ lvl 80, Sub will be better @ 85. Good enough? Yet to be determined.


Well-Known Member
Right after playing a while I have to say I think the new talents are very much EZ mode - bearing in mind I speak of PvE not raids. :)

Retri Paladin - 1 hit everything. Ridiclous :p

Prot Paladin - 2 hit everything but unkillable. Lol @ 12k crit AS in retri gear.

Fire mage - Bit random, stuff generally dies fast but my gear is average so hard to say.

Warrior (lev 43) Fury - Ridiculous. Can take on 3 mobs, some red con, and end fight full health. Don't know if this is due to having three heirlooms on her, or the talents which basically let yourself heal significantly twice by killing the weaker mob first then hitting the next weakest and killing him then taking on the hardest one (all the time using main attack which grants mini heals too).

I hope the cataclysm content isn't a walkover, as PvE is just *too* easy at the moment. In one regard it's fun, especially since you work hard for good gear @ 80 so you expect content to get easier the phatter your epixx. But then my warrior is finding things equally easy and I don't think heirloom is that imba? So don't know.

Be nice if there's hard mode stuff that challenges the soloe/duo/5 man group. And I don't mean HC's as they get too easy as well :p


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Warrior (lev 43) Fury - Ridiculous. Can take on 3 mobs, some red con, and end fight full health. Don't know if this is due to having three heirlooms on her

It's not. My level 48 enhacement shammie can take on two oranges and one red and end the fight at 90% health and 90% mana, without using Water Shield.

I basically have no use for food or water...

Something's off...



Well-Known Member
Hoy, :)

It's not. My level 48 enhacement shammie can take on two oranges and one red and end the fight at 90% health and 90% mana, without using Water Shield.

I basically have no use for food or water...

Something's off...


Food? Water? What's that :p

It's not the down-time that I miss. In fact the reason I finally got around to slogging my mage from 72-80 was because there's seemingly no downtime on any class anymore, whereas mages used to be the worst for it (hence being able to conjure their own).

I'm fine with being able to regen quickly and lowering downtime - but what we have now is mobs dying too quickly. It presents no challenge and is in danger of becoming boring (though I haven't really hit that point yet - "God mode" is fun after all).

I reckon they've upped damage ready for catacylm where mobs will probbaly have three trillion HP or something. But they've not upped oldworld mob HP, so that could be what's "off".