Next Generation military toys


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Pubic and Lynx thread

whoa nice scar-l liking the second gen 1 sweet for desert combat


Well-Known Member
Re: Pubic and Lynx thread

Oh, I thought this was a thread about spraying deoderant on your nether regions..

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: Pubic and Lynx thread

[mod]Not sure this is really "serious" enough to be a Soap Box discussion, nor have any real debate qualities... (well, okay, it might do, but not straight away). Moved to The Chat Box.[/mod]


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Pubic and Lynx thread

Erm...the name of this thread suggests to me that the topic would be more suited to PM's.


New Member
Re: Pubic and Lynx thread

hmm.... *looks it up on wikipedia*

No, I don't think so...


Active Member
Re: Pubic and Lynx thread

Wow 10 (now 11) posts in the Pubic and Lynx thread and yet only one of those was posted by either Lynx or Pubic.

What happened?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: Pubic and Lynx thread

[mod]Thread title changed to "Pubic and Lynx [and others] thread" from Pubic and Lynx thread". I think this one is waaayyyyy off topic, now, so I might close it if there's not much more to say on it... staying open just for now.[/mod]


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Pubic and Lynx [and others] thread

ok 2 stop all your bitching i would like some god like person 2 change the name of the thread to "Next-gen weapons" and delete every post appart from the first 1


New Member
[mod] Changed the title of the thread to 'Next-Generation military toys' to encourage on-topic replies [/mod]


Well-Known Member
Re: Pubic and Lynx thread

Horray, let's rejoice that the undoubted flurry of replies.

Just because you haappened to have shot the Scar-L a couple of times, and may know it's damage, range etc. This no way reflects how it works in real life. You would actually have to have fired the weapon to have a discussion on it. What exactly do you want him to say about it? You just posted a link and asked him what he thought, thought about what? The delightful worksmanship on the trigger, or that the colours would go with Lynx's fishnet tights?

You're going to need to be more specific and ask him something rather than throwing a link on, then people will reply.


New Member
Okay, lets get this thread back on track.

My idea of a weapon of the future..

Tactical E.M.P. Bomb

Imagine if you could drop a bomb that could destroy all electrical circuits within a 10 mile radius.

As far as I am aware an Elecromagnetic pulse is harmless to humans, but renders all cars, tanks, jets, choppers, etc, completely useless. You could take out an armys hardware without killing anyone.

A more scientific explanation can be found here

Maybe it is a fantasy weapon, but it is within the realms of possibilty.

Are the next generation of weapons going to be about killing faster, or stopping your opponent from even getting into the fight.

P.S. Sorry I just realised the link is about the effect of an EMP during an atomic blast. I have read of machines that can duplicate this without the mushroom cloud.


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Pubic and Lynx thread

Just because you haappened to have shot the Scar-L a couple of times, and may know it's damage, range etc. This no way reflects how it works in real life. You would actually have to have fired the weapon to have a discussion on it. What exactly do you want him to say about it? You just posted a link and asked him what he thought, thought about what? The delightful worksmanship on the trigger, or that the colours would go with Lynx's fishnet tights?

dont be such a cock, if u aint gona say anything good, dont post
also lynx in fishnet tights might be quite fetching
if you would like to buy the best attack helicopter in the world (apache longbow) there is one going on ebay fot £10.000.000 (and im not joking)


New Member
Re: Pubic and Lynx thread


now all i need to do is inherit a lot of money...

The apache looks like a bulldog chewing wasps though doesn't it?