Next Generation military toys


New Member
Re: Pubic and Lynx thread

lol really?

Do you know where it was in service? Maybe a service history :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: Pubic and Lynx thread

[mod]*cough* Nanor, stop rabble rousing. Don't like the topic, just ignore it please.

Pubic, less of the swearing, even when provoked. Take the high ground instead, please.


Edit: Rephrased as per Pubic's request to be clearer and, well, have less swearing. :)


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Pubic and Lynx thread

sorry :(, please will you rephase what you said to "less of the swearing" lol it doesnt look right


Well-Known Member
Re: Pubic and Lynx thread

Sorry Pubic, I was just caught at a bad momnet. Swamped with school work. :(

Wouldn't mind that apache..


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Pubic and Lynx thread

dont worry about it nanor, school work is gay and i think we are in the same boat, lets chip in and buy the apache lol, this EMP thing sounds cool but who will make a war game on it :P


In Cryo Sleep
EMP's are nifty little things, the problem is you can harden and shield devices from them, and although expensive, optical circuits can be developed too. It'll still do a lot of damage though, a lot of hardware currently in use probably wouldnt stand up to it, let alone ordinary equipment.

Reportedly they can also be lethal at very short range because of explosion and inductive heating effects.

The real problem is modern wars seem to be of the army vs low-tech insurgent type, emp's would be useless there.
I'm all for spraying aphrodesiacs all over iraq though. :D