[NP] Battle for The Haven #1

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Well, that's pretty fantastic. All signed up bar two: Trax (who I imagine will see this a little later) and DB (who is around tomorrow).

The game, I believe, will automatically start when all people are signed up or when I click "force start", which I'll probably aim to do at around 22:00 on Monday evening unless DB needs more time.


Active Member
Will you give me the 48 seconds of my life back that I wasted pointing you here? No? Your empire will burn with superheated magnetic directed plasma :mad:


In order to annoy you even more, I feel it necessary to inform you that I saw your useless post after I had found the other thread and successfully signed up. :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
In the midst of all this furor, I'd like to note that Ronin's Fabulous Pan-Galactic Technology Emporium will be open for business very shortly. Coming to a planet near you. Those men with guns are just there to guard the stock.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Have I mentioned that I love you guys so much? <3

If so, you should leave me an even distribution of planets in your vicinity so that I can set up distribution points for The Emporium to keep you eager populations well supplied with outstanding luxury goods and household essentials. Please pay no mind to the armed merchant marine frigates that accompany our trading vessels.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Ahhh how the squabbling of the lower races amuses us. Perhaps i'll put a transcript of these conversations up to accompany your bones in our museums?

It's your technology level that should be in a museum... You're basically still hitting rocks with sticks compared to my Dominion.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
It's your technology level that should be in a museum... You're basically still hitting rocks with sticks compared to my Dominion.

I can supply Sticks v2.0 if you put through the planning permission for maybe three distribution centres evenly distributed through your space.


Well-Known Member
It's your technology level that should be in a museum... You're basically still hitting rocks with sticks compared to my Dominion.

Yes well I suppose it would appear to a species with such limited capacity for thought that the sight of our advanced phasing torpedoes blowing apart your aesthetically challenged ships could only be described by your 'scientists' as "stick hit rock."

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Yes well I suppose it would appear to a species with such limited capacity for thought that the sight of our advanced phasing torpedoes blowing apart your aesthetically challenged ships could only be described by your 'scientists' as "stick hit rock."

It's probably because we've moved to a higher plane of enlightenment, that all warfare boils down to some form of paltry kinetic, biological or chemical damage.


Active Member
And so it begins. . . .

[So, is colonising planets something that happens when your fleet arrives at an uncontested world?]


Well-Known Member
I, The Emperor of the Greedoans, send you messages of glad tidings. We know your great works and praise you for them but do not underestimate our own wonders. We would see each race held in the bonds of brotherhood and trade.

We fear the coming of a great calamity our ancestors foresaw eons ago and named this evil 'The Solo'. We do not know what form this evil will take but we do know that it will strike first.

And so it begins. . . .

[So, is colonising planets something that happens when your fleet arrives at an uncontested world?]
