In Cryo Sleep
Ah ha!
I is back boyos!
Oblivion is done and dusted, worship Samuel the Arch-Mage, Grand Champion of the Arena, Listner of the Dark Brotherhood, Grey Fox of the Thieves, Master of the Fighters Guild and Champion of Cyrodil! + random knight titles
Now that's out of the way all I have left to distract me is my bloody map and it's annoying lightmaps!
I is back boyos!
Oblivion is done and dusted, worship Samuel the Arch-Mage, Grand Champion of the Arena, Listner of the Dark Brotherhood, Grey Fox of the Thieves, Master of the Fighters Guild and Champion of Cyrodil! + random knight titles
Now that's out of the way all I have left to distract me is my bloody map and it's annoying lightmaps!