~~~ Omg Omg Omg !!! Sharpe !!! Omg Omg Omg ~~~


In Cryo Sleep
For anyone who doesn't know Sharpe was a series (Well 5) of TV movies starring Sean Bean as Richard Sharpe. The last film was set during the battle of waterloo and was one of the most exciting things I've ever seen. However, the news is....THERES A NEW ONE COMING SOON TO ITV THIS MONTH!!!!

"Sharpe's Challenege" it's called and is set two years after Waterloo.



Junior Administrator
woooooooo! I got a frantic call from my friend this afternoon to tell me. He is the biggest sharpe fan ever, has all the books and DVD's and videos. I love it too :D


New Member
Sharpe books + films are excellent.
The world that Bernard Cornwell depicts is so raw and brutal, and yet can be so enthralling and heartwarming. Great stories and great characters. I was even impressed with the casting of the TV series. Sean Bean was born for this role.
I cant place any stories after Waterloo, apart from the adventures he had in South America when he finally meets Napoleon.
I am really looking forward to this.


In Cryo Sleep
No way!

The Seen Bean rocks!

"You can't kill me, Sharpe", how misguided poor Pete Postlethwaite was :).


Junior Administrator
Staff member
See I would say Sharpe was good but you guys are acting a bit too Fan Bouy for me :O


In Cryo Sleep
Ah, Fury you just don't understand.

Sharpe is so big a hero that if you asked him nicely he could fix the hole in the ozone layer :p.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
I always thought it was funny with Sharpe, you would have the skirmishers who would use cover and hide. Or you could stand with the troops wearing red and standing out like a sore thumb. No wonder Sharpe survived through so many series. :D


In Cryo Sleep
The Pete Postlethwaite episodes were the best by 2 arms and a leg. Thats not to say the other ones werent outrageously good, but nothing beat wondering a) what obadiah was going to get up to next and b) what sharpe was going to do to him when he finally got him.

Oh and by the way, every time I watch Sharpe now im going to expect him to say "Go and speak to Jauffre, he will tell you what to do next."


In Cryo Sleep
I got my brother to tape it because nine is such a useless time for anything to be on telly. Lets face it, nine is the prime time for either dinner, vging, watching dvds or going out with mateys. I think more people would watch it if they aired it at eleven.


Junior Administrator


WARNING! the following spoiler discusses elements of the show tonight...

Poor Harper though... I really don't know what Sharpe's going to do in that situation!!!


In Cryo Sleep
Well, thatbloke, the announcer at the end kinda gave that away...

He said Sharpe and Harper will face a challenge training the raja's army for the coming battle


In Cryo Sleep
*more tears of great sadness*

I can't find it repeated anywhere!

... would anyone have any ways of me seeing the first part before tomorrows episode?