~~~ Omg Omg Omg !!! Sharpe !!! Omg Omg Omg ~~~


Junior Administrator
If you have sky or something try checking the listings for ITV1, 2 3 and 4. It's the only channels they would be on atm i think


lol - just search for it torrent style Im d/l the whole series l8r in life when I can be arsed :D P.s. Sharpe is a legg


Junior Administrator
My problem? I'm working tonight... so I may not be able to watch it! :( depending on when I finish of course... ;)


In Cryo Sleep
Bah, I have Sky and can find no repeats before Thursday.

All there is about Sharpe on the other channels is a Behind The Scenes...

I've tried Lynx's suggestion but see no evil :eek:.


In Cryo Sleep
Yes it was very good. Based on the first Sharpe book if I'm right.

The renegade General being skewered onto the thrown at the end. Ouch!

Thanks for the tip.

Still unsure on the correct spelling of 'thrown' though?

Oh well I'll wait for my personal moderator to sort that one out.


Junior Administrator
oi i'd whack that in spoiler tags if I were you bambi... some people may not have seen it yet!!!

Though the fact that the general was going to be dead at some point I think was obvious though... ;)

EDIT: and it's SKEWERED not scewered :p


New Member
So just before my little trip abroad, I told the missus to set the Humax to record all the Sharpe episodes this weekend..

I settle down to watch, and NOTHING.


She didnt miss her bloody soaps though..

So I deleted em as well..Servers er right :D