From what I've heard so far Chumpo, Meditation is still needed for sure, and that we're having a few mana problems at this time (unless you've experienced otherwise mate, please tell!
) But from a min/maxing point of view, take a fight to be 4 minutes long, and you use dispersion twice during this, removing you from the fight for 12 seconds in total, now, discounting the 35-40% damage from our dots that will continue, that's a loss of 60-65% damage for 12 seconds during the fight, and if you're doing 3k damage, that's a loss of 22500 damage (average) over the course of a 4 minute, twice used dispersion fight or around a 3% loss in dps
This of course, is from a min/max point of view and, of course, you have the pros that you can nuke for longer, you look awesome while doing it
, and from what I hear it can also be useful in fights of large AOE spike damage.
It's quite difficult for Blizz to get the balance, they've already said that dispersion is limited for PvE, but they don't plan on changing it, sure, it's not a DPS increase, but not every top talent has to augment damage, so it's a pretty cool spell nonetheless.
Cheers, Decky.
EDIT. P.S. Sorry for hijacking this thread
Positive changes to make Palas even more capable tanks, ftw!