Paladin Tanking :(


In Cryo Sleep
Im just trying to get over the fact that we (shadow priests) are now a generic, boring, run of the mill damage class instead of having something unique that only we did, making the class different and exciting.

I know whats a great idea! Lets take everything that makes a difference between the classes and get rid of it so you cant tell the difference between mages, locks, priests, ectectect.

I dont care if we do a million times the dps of everyone else, what made us unique has been changed, and i hearterly dislike it. Add that to the fact that i now have to change everything to do with my itemisation, cost hit -> spell dmg -> haste is no longer good means that i wont be bothering with Baldi pve wise till 80 now. I dont have the energy. (And sp pvp is great fun now :) )

But back to the original topic, yeah, pally tanks look even more effective now, which is nice :D

*Edit* Dispersion does look cool tho :) *Edit*

i could not agree more with your rant, the whole game is being made to make us wear the same cloths and play the same styles , shadow priests where fun and unique same as mage locks and all other classes now we might as well all roll the same class wear the same items and just follow in line till we meet are timely deaths, sorry bit moany, but really with healers wearing dps gear we will have 15 players in a raid all trying to get the same item, i liked that a prot pally would have trouble if he wanted to be a healer for a night that was the point of him choosing to be a prot not so he can jump between healer or tank bring back some uniqueness please for the love of god


Junior Administrator
Hmmm. I'm actually of a slightly different opinion.

How many times have we had a raid cancelled because we didn't have a specific kind of tank? Or the wrong kind of healers? Or we were missing some CC?

These changes will mean that that will happen FAR less than it has been. Which is the aim of those changes.

Yes it takes away some of the uniqueness, but I can certainly say that I am having tons of fun playing as a lock still and I definitely feel like I'm doing it in a unique way.

Obviously I cannot speak for shadow priests but I think that these changes are for the greater good. How many guilds fail because they just cannot attract the right type of tank or healer to their guild? These changes mean that there are now 4 classes that can tank and 4 that can heal, and the dual spec options when implemented will make it much easier for people to PUG things too.