My god, so many people are whining about this!
occasionally a squad gets rotated, but geez on any server where we're in a squad it's me leading and you lot spawning. I love the new system, our clan matches will be infinitely more fun and all I have to do is hang back a bit. The infantry cup was going to be a spawning farce, now it's going to be good honest fun.
This patch reinvigorates the community!
Vehicle drops are amusing but coop is where it's at!
Gizmo, Wraith, Bambi and I played on my own server yesterday against 32 bots on Karkand. We got murdered every time, but it was a blast. It's different and loads of fun, even on a packet lots filled 300+ ping 1Mg line server

Now all I have to do is figure out the rcon commands.
So far I've got
sv.coopbotdifficulty [10-100], which works realtime in game.
I've also got
sv.coopbotratio [0-100] and
sv.coopbotcount [0-48] (both yoinked from the serversettings.con in the profiles directory), which alter the settings in the server file but don't update in game. Restarting the map doesn't update them, nor does changing to another map. Hmmm...
My only gripe with the patch is the coop is still only on 16-player maps, and we can only have 48 bot matches.
When Serenity get's updated prepare for the first THN vs BOTARMYOFDOOM Event
