Clearly NOT clueless.
thatbloke Junior Administrator 17 Jul 2007 #150 These dambusters should render that water inoperative
VibroAxe Junior Administrator 17 Jul 2007 #151 bye bye mr lancaster NB: pretty sure that a dambuster doesn't render the water inoperable, mearly the storage containter of it
bye bye mr lancaster NB: pretty sure that a dambuster doesn't render the water inoperable, mearly the storage containter of it
VibroAxe Junior Administrator 17 Jul 2007 #153 (Colonel Burton for anyone who hasn't played Generals) also!! EDI could avoid AA guns, but nm!
E elDiablo Guest 17 Jul 2007 #154 It's a Tesla Coil. More Red Alert than Generals, but it would work none the less
SgtFury Junior Administrator Staff member 17 Jul 2007 #156 turn your faraday cage into shrapnel with enough cutting
VibroAxe Junior Administrator 17 Jul 2007 #157 Call that a pair of wire cutters, this is a pair of wire cutters