[PS2] Planetside 2 Players, Servers, Sides & Outfits


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

I'm on Lithcorp as thatbloke83

All you Lithcorp people should reroll Cobalt so we can have a nice little THN uber-outfit. :)

Also, my character name on Matherson is McMendes, not Zooggy. I changed it already...


Ronin Storm

Staff member
Should be back up to date again, including a bunch of people who joined [171] on Cobalt today.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

So I've logged on to Cobalt every day, this past week, and I never caught anyone on.

Is anyone still playing this?



New Member
Cobalt is a dying server, the second account transfers are implemented the server will bottom out.
And worst still, miller doesn't have the capacity to take all the transfers. They need to just merge all the non Miller EU servers into one.


Active Member
Cobalt is a dying server, the second account transfers are implemented the server will bottom out.
And worst still, miller doesn't have the capacity to take all the transfers. They need to just merge all the non Miller EU servers into one.

Thats funny, Miller doesn't have even populations(due to hitting caps) at 8 PM (normally the TR have 50% pop on amerish). And when my own faction has an advantage I go else where, just no point if your faction is above 40%.

But ye, miller is the principle server. Im not sure if we can yet have multiple character on a single server, in multiple factions, I remember they changed the restrictions, but not what to.


Junior Administrator
Spicy and I are still playing on Cobalt, but yeah, it's a bit dead atm...

I see waterproofbob playing a lot, but i'm not sure what server he's on...


Junior Administrator
I've also been busy playing other games quite a bit lately. Mainly XCOM. Which I'm sucking hard at on the higher difficulties...