Post your desktop!


Fuzzy Bunny

Why, is there something wrong with it? :)
I actually try to change my desktop fairly often. Before this one, I was using a large picture of the cover of Daft Punk's "Discovery" album. It was covered with all sorts of files and miscellaneous icons that I categorized then dumped into the "needs be sorted" folder on my new desktop.
Does anyone know of a program that would automatically change my desktop to some other random picture when I start up the computer?


In Cryo Sleep
Ronin Storm said:
I guess you must like my minimalist desktop, then? :)

Indeed I do Ronin, but my desktop generally resembles DocBot's or Gibsonfire's, with a few icons and the task bar visible. I would post an image, but my PC isn’t connected to the web and I cant be bothered to turn it on, take a screen shot, write it to CD/pen drive and then upload it onto a PC that's online :S My backgrounds change everyday (see below) with most of them being created by a guy called Greg Martin, but for some unknown reason he doesn't keep all his work in a nice online archive, so here's a google image search of his pictures.

EDIT - For those that are interested, here's a link to a site that has most of his space based work available for download.

Fuzzy Bunny said:
Does anyone know of a program that would automatically change my desktop to some other random picture when I start up the computer?

Yes. I use a program called Winwall, which runs in the system tray and will change your picture either after a certain number of hours, when you restart your PC, or when you double click on the icon.

Enjoy :D


In Cryo Sleep
Hey that's pretty good!

Bit too central though :).

I don't think any of you have looked at my humorous tool bar, I guess it was just too subtle :p.

Fuzzy Bunny

MadGinga said:
Yes. I use a program called Winwall, which runs in the system tray and will change your picture either after a certain number of hours, when you restart your PC, or when you double click on the icon.

Enjoy :D
Thanks :D


Junior Administrator

this is mine, proudest moment of my life, thats a 200 man marque and it was right down the bottom of that field. best leaving prank ever, only 10 of us did that lot took a long time i can tell you.

never try to lift a 200 man marque up a wet field its not fun.
btw nelson was the name of our boarding house. and thats seating for 400, and we even stole the lecturn from the chapel to put in the marque.
hehehehehe those football posts are surprisingly heavy as well.


Here's my current desktop on my new laptop.

There's a distinct lack of Japanese ladies with visible thongs, but if you look carefully - beads!


Junior Administrator
This is my current Desktop.

As you can see, there are a shedload of icons on it. I REALLY need to spend a few minutes tidying it all up. but can't be bothered...

and, a la Fi$hy... Rep for the first person to namecheck where I got that background from...