Sorry, can't come. Just got a surprise visit by a lot of old friends...
DocBot Administrator Staff member 24 Mar 2007 #21 Sorry, can't come. Just got a surprise visit by a lot of old friends...
PsiSoldier Well-Known Member 24 Mar 2007 #22 Can't come either, Seph left later than I anticipated, and I'm getting dinner then need to do some stuff.
Can't come either, Seph left later than I anticipated, and I'm getting dinner then need to do some stuff.
VibroAxe Junior Administrator 24 Mar 2007 #23 Shucks, would of loved to join ya all, but am in switzerland, and doubt a think pad will even consider running PR... WIll play when I gets back though!! Hey all
Shucks, would of loved to join ya all, but am in switzerland, and doubt a think pad will even consider running PR... WIll play when I gets back though!! Hey all
Ronin Storm Administrator Staff member 25 Mar 2007 #24 Well, they were good games last night. I think we made it up to around 20ish people on the server overall. Piacular was even commenting that he was killing random people more than THNers, for once. Looking forward to some more soon!
Well, they were good games last night. I think we made it up to around 20ish people on the server overall. Piacular was even commenting that he was killing random people more than THNers, for once. Looking forward to some more soon!
Taffy New Member 25 Mar 2007 #25 Yeah I enjoyed it. Would have liked to stay on for a while longer, but I enjoyed it while it lasted. Look forward to more similar events!
Yeah I enjoyed it. Would have liked to stay on for a while longer, but I enjoyed it while it lasted. Look forward to more similar events!