[Private Server] Trackmania Nations


Staff member
I agree. The custom maps are ok, but they are certainly of varying quality. Throwing official ones into the rotation all the time would be great.


Junior Administrator
Once I sort out stuff with ronin I'll sort it. I don't think we should password it tho. what does that achieve other than to have less ppl, I'd prefer more ppl, I've also been testing out a few other tracks to throw in, sort of sub 1 min fun ones .
At some point maybe later today I'll see which ones can be hacked out cos they are simply too liong to be fun in multi player. Also I'm reluctant to just have the nadeo series tracks running, I'm happy to throw them in as a mix to the funner ones but they get stale fairly fast. We need to find a good balance of the 2. I'll try to come up with a fun rotation later mostly the nadeo tracks with a mix of the shorter funner custom ones. Should make for a good event


Staff member
At the very least, I think we should have the Nadeo pro series tracks in the rotation. We don't want the entire Expert series, by any means, but we can probably select 10 or so out of it that would work well.


Active Member
Password is a good idea so we dont get pwned by random ppl :) also, i think the amount we've played this week the officials are good, the g series is fun, try it, maybe we can vote on a series :)


Junior Administrator
Right I've just sat and gone thro a load of tracks to find about 40 odd that were good fun around the 1 min mark. It goes a little somet like this. This is not in order I plan to mix the g-series ones and the pro series into the rest.
These are all fairly manageable and i've removed alot of the pain in the ass ones. I still don't get why you'd want to stop outside ppl coming on, tbh I'd rather have a full server with a few really good ppl. the best person we'ver had against us so far was only getting 1 second faster than our best times anyway, I'd rather them there as a challenge. Seems a bit dull just doing with us lot.

Right tracks that kinda work. I may well hack some more out of this. or if there's any particular tracks u want added then shout.

G-0 to G-9
Ahead is a blur
battle station
The Shaft
The offspring
No worries
Numpty too
Flame off
dutch delight
aur ORA
open your eyes
Formula fun
moving power
back for the nations
Pro1 to Pro9
brown stains
full tilt
the launch_NO SC
The launch 2

I'm hoping that is vaguelly approved of as it took quite a while


Staff member
My only worry would be if the server filled and we had THNers who couldn't join then.


Junior Administrator
The server sits on the track its in and doesn't start at the begining when you join so we'd hvae to play the rotation as from when it's at as apposed to the tracks we want to play. Also the reason for dropping some of the tracks I like more and aren't in the list is cos once you get over 1.30 they tracks start to become too long and there becomes no competition as there's not enough time to perfect the lap.
If the server did get too full we can always kick for members. I would be quite surprised if this did happen tbh.