Promethius and funding


Staff member
Once again we reach that point of decision making. With three months funding left in the pot for hosting Promethius (our game/teamseak/web server). We have to make a decision on where we go from here.

The two options are that we either put more funds into the pot at a significantly higher rate than we have been to cover costs (we have been living off savings made when we were without a server so far). Or we drop the idea of having a dedicated server once again.

The reality is that since Natural Selection (3+ years ago now) we have not really used our gaming servers for much other than small skirmishes. Those with the technical aptitude to run such things inevitably have real lives and jobs which prevent them putting a lot of regular time into helping run servers.

But, having a dedicated server for the web hosting and teamspeak is also a useful asset and both see serious use on a daily basis.

Ultimately regardless of what we use the server for money will have to be donated to keep things running as they are, if there is not enough money in the pot then THN loses the server regardless (I'll re-absorb it back into my hosting business at that point).

So can you contribute a few pounds a month on a monthly basis, and do you want too ?

And, once more I ask you to consider what use you would like to see the server put too.

Answers below.


Junior Administrator
I'll happily throw some money in its direction.

I find that the services that are offered by it far outweigh a small donation from myself that would help to keep it up and running. Plus, if we really do want to try our hand at bf2142, then assuming we can get it up and running we will need it :)

That and Teamspeak, of course!


Junior Administrator
I'm happy when i can to put some money in, I've been doing so with the 2142 clan as that has been an asset taht I've been using the most in the past 9 months however that is no more.
One thought was to have a TF2 server on Promethius, ppl seem to have got stuck right into this and hopefully this will contnue


I don't mind putting some money in the pot, however I think we need to utilize the server way more than we are justnow. I mean webhosting and Teamspeak are fine, but we're probably only using 10% of the servers actual power.

The problem again to having a dedicated server running a game is that not many people in THN play a game collectively... bar WoW which we can't run a server for anyway.

I'd just like to see it being used like it was in ye ol days :p, NS server... CS:S server, we had soo many options, I guess it's just trying to find newer, updated games to play now :p.

How is Haven Hosting getting on anyway Haven :p?


In Cryo Sleep
Tf2 has a big crowd and Wow is kinda dying out! tis a shame but we mu7ct move forward. And yes il throw money in again! i thouht i was but it obviously stopped paying


In Cryo Sleep
If i ever have some spare cash, I'll throw it your way, but i don't get much since i have a crappy job. Teamspeak is too damn useful to lose, plus i might just start playing some of the other games soon, TF2 and so on....just need to get a steam account....


Super Moderator
Staff member
i'd like to throw some money in the pot but with me being a student and the orange box, UT3 and Christmas over the next 3 months i doubt that i'll be able to contribute much till the new year, however after that i should be good for a regular contribution


Staff member
I can't make any regular donations, what with all my income being student loans and all, but I'll drop some in the kitty from what I earned this summer.


Active Member
I like the idea of setting up a TF2 server on promethius to see how it goes. With some experience setting up the NS server and a CS:S server I would be happy to look into creating a dedicated TF2 server on Promethius.

On funding, I am making very little income since I started Uni. If I can spare a little now and then I will send the money along.


I stopped paying 10 Euros every month early this year because I wasn't playing any games on the server.

I think we have two main problems.

a) As haven points out, not enough technical people to take control on server side.

b) Not enough phatbambi type people who take control on the people/clan side of things.

This has left us with using the server mainly for posting of forums, ts2 as Haven points out. Still useful but I would rather part with my hard earned cash knowing I was getting gaming excitment from it too.

I am glad KS has volunteered to take care of technical side of TF2. I've yet to try this game, if we like it then who knows something may snowball from this.

On the server financial info side of things, I find it hard to understand the "real total, actual total" stuff on the home page.

There is up coming games, TF2 of course but also Quake wars and dare I mention the follow up to our old classic ns with ns2 to follow in 2008.

I played BF2142 on Sunday and Wednesday night for a couple of hours and no one joined me. A shame a small clan wasn't started as was suggested a few weeks ago. I think that if just one competitive clan game had been organised people would have turned up and momentum could have gathered from there.


Junior Administrator
I played BF2142 on Sunday and Wednesday night for a couple of hours and no one joined me. A shame a small clan wasn't started as was suggested a few weeks ago. I think that if just one competitive clan game had been organised people would have turned up and momentum could have gathered from there.

In response to that Hotstuff, i was on-line from 6 pm till around 8ish, and no one was appearing, so I went to bed and read a book instead, we need to get a following.

On topic, I tried to do a subscription before, however I hates paypal. and there wasn't as far as i remember any other way to 'chip-in' :(


New Member
I'd just like to check... my £10 a month donation hasnt stopped has it? Cause i've been billed every month for it...


Junior Administrator
I played BF2142 on Sunday and Wednesday night for a couple of hours and no one joined me. A shame a small clan wasn't started as was suggested a few weeks ago. I think that if just one competitive clan game had been organised people would have turned up and momentum could have gathered from there.

We are having "issues" with our bf2142 server at the moment. Something isn't working right, becuase you cannot crouch or do certain things on it. My theory is that the fact that it is also a PR server is affecting it - even though it is a 2142 server it shows up in the 2142 server browser as a PR server and will not let you join it unless you manually specify the IP and the port number.

I would suggest uninstalling the PR server from promethius to see if that solves the problem, becuase IIRC the same problems occur on PR, but were not present before we put the 2142 server on top of it.

As for playing, I tend to play alot, although this week I have been playing Darkstar One alot... In the past two weeks I have nailed at least 6 promotions!

Once we get these server issues sorted I think we can then make definite progress on challenging a clan on ED to a match.

Hell, we should do it anyway and just say we need to do it on their server because ours is currently fuxxed....


Staff member
Okay I realise I didn't quite make things as clear as they could have been - a case of having thought something but forgotten to type it :)

When I say I would re-absorb back into havenhosting - I have no problem running the main websites and teamspeak as part of that ... just to make it clear that those services would not go away. Obviously radio.THN would have to go though :(


Junior Administrator
ok so we're saying that the reason we pay the money every month is so that we have the option of hosting things like the BF2142/TF2 servers on it, not necessarily for the TS and website...

So no server means no gaming servers, but TS and the website would remain...

I'm still up for throwing money at it :)


Well-Known Member
I'd be all up for a TF2 server! Unfortunately, I have no money to put towards it. :(