

Junior Administrator
Yep you read that right... My account runs out on the 10th April.

I have a complete and utter lack of enthusiasm for this game at the moment, I'm just totally and utterly bored of doing the same thing over and over again.

Every time I've logged in for the past month I've logged back out within 5 minutes again, unless we're raiding.

But even that is drying up now, with ALOT of people leaving the game and the community to do other things. We used to have plenty of people for 25-man raids, now we're lucky to scrape enough people together for a 10-man on our main raiding night. Maybe that's the state of the game, or maybe the guild is doing something wrong, but regardless of that, I'm not enjoying it any more.

As Pwnstar stated earlier tonight... "Where is everyone?" Well the problem is not the people, it's the game, or to be more precise, the lack of one.

We've had Wrath of the Lich King for SIX MONTHS now and there has been no new content added since its release. Before that, it was another six months between 2.4 and WLK. That means in 1 year the game has only had one lot of new content added, and very little end-game stuff.

I will of course always be around on THN but at least for a while, WoW is over for me. Maybe Ulduar will pull me back but its unlikely as I think the damage has already been done and we won't be able to go there in any force anyway.


In Cryo Sleep
Im much the same mate, Im finding it hard to really be bothered with this game. And the lack of content is one of the reasons.

I still log in every raid night at 6pm, and if my connection doesnt suck complete balls, like it normally does im always happy to raid and help out. unfortunately a number of key people have been showing up less and less.

Its down to a number of reasons. Myself like many other in this guild have alot of deadlines coming up soon for uni, other prioties and the such. That combined with the lack of actual content has made it hard to want to play the game, in conjuction with all the drama thats occoured over the past few months.

Personally i will still be on and around for raids, its a nice break from work if i can actually get a good connection. But other than that its not suprising to see people leaving the game, hopefully 3.1 will bring us all back and have us all re-vitalised


Junior Administrator
Come to the EVE side bloke, join the rest of your fallen comrades, in IMMORTALITY!


From a developer point of view, 2 big updates (even if only one was a content update by the sounds of it?) is pretty good in a year. Especially as one was a retail release as well. It's not easy to do :)

Though from a gamer pov I understand how the game can get stale and the developers could do something about it, given enough money. And I'd think $180million/month is probably enough to add some new content every 3 months or so?

Still! I give you a few month, you addict, you! ;)


Junior Administrator
There's no point in playing a game if it no longer holds you.. Particularly if it's costing you money per month. At leastt your character isn't gonna get deleted, and try not to do anything silly like selling him, then when it does come sneaking up behind you wanting to play, you can be prepared and carry on where you left off...

I second trax.. Come play eve, Take the black pill and enter the wormhole!


In Cryo Sleep
/ agree with Bloke

I won't be stopping my account, but im not around alot any more, for that i appologise to every1

I too, have been drawn, balls deep into EVE.



In Cryo Sleep
Yup, as much as it pains me to agree its all true. I wish there was another spin to put on WoW right now to make it more interesting and bring everyone back but theres only so many times u can start a new character ..

Hope things return at some point but sad to see you go Q man.


New Member
Go Go Qman ! Join the rest of us that are off World of Warcraft, Tho I had to be hacked to quit the game for good.

Life without WoW is sweet, got loads of time to spend on things that are actually fun to do :p


Well-Known Member
I'm EVE'ing it up as well now, for at least a month or two, but I'm still playing the WoW (more than some people know, but that's what happens with alts you don't mention...).

I reckon one or two more goes to make stuff happen, and if that doesn't work, I'll likely pack it in till 3.1. A lot's resting on the patch.


In Cryo Sleep
Won't be back online on WoW.

Mebbe, if some of you want to play some TF2, poke me my steam acc.
Mortuus2face (originality!)


Active Member

I dunno about EVE, I got as little time without WoW as I had with it, I just fill it with other stuff - friends, piano, school, work, excercise, whatever :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Been taking a break as well.
But ready to come back, roll up the sleeves get things done on WoW


Well-Known Member
Ah it isn't just me then..

I really don't feel motivated to play or raid right now - I'm finding it more amusing to catch up on all the DS/PS3/XBOX360 games I've gathered and not yet played.

I probably shouldn't mention that I spent the last 2 nights playing a megadrive game.. on my ps3.. lulz ;)


In Cryo Sleep
Just cancelled my subscription, it will run out september, so im still available for a while. Hopefuly ile get my love back for the game and continue.


Sorry to hear your leaving m8. It saddens me how many people feel about WoW right now, mainly becuase I still enjoy playing but I do understand where everyone is coming from.

I only started playing just over a year ago so personally the game hasnt completely lost its appeal for me. I prob would have left a while back if I wasnt in this guild.
I think there is alot of content I still havent experienced or seen. Some raiding, Alliance perspective and other classes are things I still am learning about and enjoy. I only recently found out about Ghostlands so I jumped on board that bandwagon.

Im really looking forward to the new patch, not just for Ulduar but for the other changes and content (Argent Tournament, Dual Specs etc) so I do hope that anyone who is on a break or has lost interest can come back and once again enjoy what I think is a great game made only greater by those who we choose to play with.

I would like to let other know that are reading this, be it officers, members or potentical future members that there many of us who are still around and will be for a good while yet... (or at least until July when i'll prob have to leave for a few months...wedding and such)

Please contiue to make Wow events for anyone interested. There will be at least one signature there :)


In Cryo Sleep
Seems that WoW has lost its appeal to quite a few of us... I find myself playing nowadays for a complete lack of other things to do (rather depressing, I know). Well, hope to see you sometime, in-game or on the forums ;).

Please contiue to make Wow events for anyone interested. There will be at least one signature there :)

Glenn's gonna solo Naxx? Video it so I can rofl at it.