The following is for those ranked Trial Raider and above (Or those with the intent of becoming a raider)
Some clarification is in order. Take this as gospel.
Due to this expansion having 3 entry level raids we have bosses of varying difficulty spread throughout Azeroth, due to this we will be jumping from raid to raid gearing up rather than clearing one at time. The first bosses will be in this following order...
Magmaw (BWD)
Omnitron defence council (BWD)
Halfus Wyrmbreaker (BoT)
Valion and Therona (BoT)
Maloriak (BWD)
Conclave of the winds (WINDS)
As you're hopefully all aware i'm your raid leader (hi!) However due to not being omnipresent (yet) i will not always be available to lead you to your doom/collection of phat loots. When this is the case the leading of the raid will fall to a combination of...
Once it is established who is your RL for the evening, be aware they will be aware of the plans and tactics (As you all should be) and everything they say should be taken as if it was said by me.
What is expected of you?
As raiders you are all expected to know your tactics for the bosses we intend to fight that night, alongside this preliminary list and the hundreds of videos floating about there is no excuse not to.
Know your class, know the optimal spec and gearing and how to use it to its fullest. (If you need any help with that ask me or an officer, you know who the big hitters are. Find out how to match/beat them)
Consumables, consumables, consumables. We raid for three hours a night, if you're coming to a raid bring enough of the correct flasks and correct +90 buff food for your class, the guild bank has some stocks available and will be available to those raiders that don't have the time to get their own at sensible AH prices. Again, if you don't know your optimal buff food, why? And ask any of the officers.
Veterans will be expected to hold up to the same standards as the Raiders in order to raid; the rank in and of itself doesn't instantly denote worthiness for a raid spot.
Final words
I will be monitoring players abilities and progress, if you're doing badly and theres a new up and comer breaking records... Don't be surprised if you're replaced, this is a raiding team. There are people clawing for your positions all the time... Earn them.
Some clarification is in order. Take this as gospel.
Due to this expansion having 3 entry level raids we have bosses of varying difficulty spread throughout Azeroth, due to this we will be jumping from raid to raid gearing up rather than clearing one at time. The first bosses will be in this following order...
Magmaw (BWD)
Omnitron defence council (BWD)
Halfus Wyrmbreaker (BoT)
Valion and Therona (BoT)
Maloriak (BWD)
Conclave of the winds (WINDS)
As you're hopefully all aware i'm your raid leader (hi!) However due to not being omnipresent (yet) i will not always be available to lead you to your doom/collection of phat loots. When this is the case the leading of the raid will fall to a combination of...
Once it is established who is your RL for the evening, be aware they will be aware of the plans and tactics (As you all should be) and everything they say should be taken as if it was said by me.
What is expected of you?
As raiders you are all expected to know your tactics for the bosses we intend to fight that night, alongside this preliminary list and the hundreds of videos floating about there is no excuse not to.
Know your class, know the optimal spec and gearing and how to use it to its fullest. (If you need any help with that ask me or an officer, you know who the big hitters are. Find out how to match/beat them)
Consumables, consumables, consumables. We raid for three hours a night, if you're coming to a raid bring enough of the correct flasks and correct +90 buff food for your class, the guild bank has some stocks available and will be available to those raiders that don't have the time to get their own at sensible AH prices. Again, if you don't know your optimal buff food, why? And ask any of the officers.
Veterans will be expected to hold up to the same standards as the Raiders in order to raid; the rank in and of itself doesn't instantly denote worthiness for a raid spot.
Final words
I will be monitoring players abilities and progress, if you're doing badly and theres a new up and comer breaking records... Don't be surprised if you're replaced, this is a raiding team. There are people clawing for your positions all the time... Earn them.