Real Names: Don't Use Them (discussion)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
This probably was food for a different thread as I think answering this question is along a different line than the intent of the original.

The original point is that using real names on the 'net is unwise on grounds of identity fraud, if nothing else.

If you decide you want to use your real name and someone else still calls you by your handle then that sits in a different space and is really a case-by-case thing. Honestly, though, use your handle. It's there to protect you. Don't like your handle? Invent a new one.


Active Member
If you don't want people to call you by your handle, why do you use it?

It was for someone specific, not for everyone, though if this person was to call me my name infront of others it would not matter, kinda like how you invite friends round, on the internet there isnt really a "next step is there".

He refuses to call me mark1 or m k 1, hell the name was originally created when my irl friend(this was in 1998) who was "ki!ler" quit playing net games.


Active Member
If you decide you want to use your real name and someone else still calls you by your handle then that sits in a different space and is really a case-by-case thing. Honestly, though, use your handle. It's there to protect you. Don't like your handle? Invent a new one.

I am happy with my handle, it was purely as a "next step thing" he hasnt said i can call him his name though, i know it, we've spent an exessive amount of time chatting. :)

So i dont intend to make an issue of this or an argument or anything like that, i just wonder when it becomes unreasonable for someone to refuse to use my name? :eek:

While i dont run into many people with "killer" integrated into their nicknames, i have grown to dislike it, but as i said above, since the 2nd part is technically, with that history i gave, in my opinion more important anyway i AM happy with the nickname, AND:

I supose as i dont mind in TS when trax and ronin, ghost, nanor, everyone call me it its fine, but because i have spent ALOT of time with this one person playing battlefield BC2 you could say i am sick of it :(

That said, i take the mick/try variations, on his nick too, and he definitely doesnt like that either :P