Recommended Mods


Junior Administrator
Staff member
So many Monkeys and so little time :)

Haven't got any mods but might try these with the new character.


Junior Administrator
I have never tried any mods or addons at all... though I have been tempted with using both Auctioneer and Gatherer as on my main I have Mining and Blacksmith (and incidentally need a shedload of mithril to become an amorsmith)

The main thing that annoys me is that with each new patch Blizz release they break...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
thatbloke said:
with each new patch Blizz release they break

Doesn't take over long for Mods to be updated by the community. Sure, some are not maintained, but the ones in the list in the first post are all actively maintained.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Uhm, I can't remember how long I've been playing. Probably between three and six months now. I think it's four...

As for characters, I've got them [post=44]posted up[/post] in another thread.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Reagent Info has been updated. New link added in original post to point to the updated version.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
GroupCalender looks pretty nifty actually. TheHaven guild is now configured for autoconfiguration when people connect using GroupCalendar as part of our guild. Details stored against "Padding" (so don't kick him! :) ).


Active Member
Can this thread be made a sticky? I think it would be useful for community members who are starting to join in the WoW fad this summer.


Well-Known Member
KillCrazy said:
Can this thread be made a sticky? I think it would be useful for community members who are starting to join in the WoW fad this summer.

I concur!


Active Member
Has anyone checked out the Cosmos mod?

Cosmos is a collection of interface modifications (a collection of "AddOns") to the standard World of Warcraft user interface (UI).
It basically adds a hell of a lot of customisable user interface options to your game for example a more advanced quest log (easier to read and customise, you can even see what quests people in your current group are doing), all in one backpack display, notepad (sent notes to other players), and a whole lot more.

T-Bone and I installed it in interest to a map co-ordinate feature where it shows X and Y cordinates at the bottom of the large map. We wanted this because we have started to use thottbot to help out with a lot of our quests, and most of the answers given are in co-ordinates which we couldn't use.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I had a good look over Cosmos when I started up and decided that it was both too heavyweight for my needs and threw in mods that I actually didn't want.

That said, the coordinate feature is very helpful, though is available as part of both MetaMap and Gatherer (both linked in the first post) if you want that and don't want Cosmos.