Recommended Mods

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Added Sage to the list of important mods. Will take a bit of getting used to (an hour or so) and a fair bit of tweaking of the options (I don't like it's defaults) but once it is set up and you're used to it the layout is much superior. No more peering up to the top left corner to figure out whether you're dying or not...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Just done an update of the mod list for 1.12. Most things appear to work just by ticking the "load out of date add-ons" option.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Just FYI, I'm working on recompiling this list of mods for the recent patch. I'll report back when I know more.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've pushed the list of mods that I'm looking at over to my blog.

This is a complete list and over the next few hours I'll be testing/verifying what's posted up there. As I was already building that list for myself I don't intend to maintain that list and this one... that one is now my master list, which may become independent of this thread. Either way, I hope it's useful.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Doubtful I'll do that. The list helps me, an archive doesn't as I have to go get the files anyhow.

I might post an open folder where I put all the mods I've downloaded but nothing more than that. I'm somewhat concerned that I'll start racking up bandwidth costs if my archive became more widely used than our little circle.


Staff member
I meant mirror in thehavennet mate not your own hosting - although you know damn well I wouldnt charge you for that anyway :)

Fair enough though - I'll see what I can do to sort out a mirror directory somewhere for my mods ...

Ronin Storm

Staff member

I'll take a look at it when I next get a few minutes.

[edit]Oh alright then...[/edit]

Added a mirror for the mods I'm using.

It's really very simple and the files are exactly as they were when I grabbed them from their site of origin but it's better than nothing. Keeping my master list up to date, too. If you only had a brief scan when it was first announced then you might want to check back more frequently as I've been updating regularly over the weekend.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Lots of updates been happening over this past week. Check back at the list if you've not been keeping up to date as many mods are under active development / bugfixing for WoW2.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Still maintaining my other list and updating for 2.0.3, which seems to have caused me a surprising number of issues. Updating once, sometimes twice, daily. Just FYI.