Rep - How does it work

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Staff member
That's basically it, except more experienced people count for more than one point :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Big D said:
Even if ronin strikes my rep to -15 with his admin skills, as long as my rep power is still 2 I will still be able to hand out rep like I was before.

If he strikes my rep power to 0, I would assume I can't affect anyone's rep until I earn a higher level.

A couple of small amendments to that:

An Administrator can set a person's Reputation to any value but has no direct ability to affect their Reputation Power, except by changing the global settings for how people receive Reputation Power, which would then affect everyone equally.

There's currently a minimum bar of a Reputation of 2 in order to "activate" one's powers of awarding or detracting from another's Reputation. If you fall below that bar then regardless of your post count or longevity on these forums you will not be able to give or take Reputation from other users until you go above the threshold again. Of course, as indicated elsewhere, over time and with many posts one acquires Reputation, so people tend towards having the power and tend only to have it taken away when they've really peeved the community.

Ultimately, Reputation here is a bit of a game with a serious edge to it. The vast majority of Reputation hits are awards -- pats on the back for good posts or being helpful or whatever. I think of it as a little competition to see who can get the highest Reputation on the boards. I'd say less than one in twenty hits are negative, and tend to be clustered around less well considered posts.

To date, I have removed three negative Reputation hits (or was it four...? no more than that) and zero positive hits. One negative hit was provided in jest and was cancelled as being unfair (Mod team call). The others had no comment provided with them and thus were removed as being unhelpful -- negative reputation must contain constructive feedback or I will strike it without warning or recourse. I'd prefer positive feedback had a comment too, but a silent pat on the back is still a pat on the back.

Just FYI, I report all Reputation strikes I make to the Admin Team (includes the Super Mods), and sometimes to the Moderation Team as well (if there is a user issue around it). Keeps it all above board.

Last I checked, it was Docbot who actually had the highest Reputation, and by a good seven or so points... but I do have the highest Reputation Power by virtue of a hefty post count.


Staff member
the silly thing is that you, with your 10 power and me, with my 7 (and others with hefty rep power), could alter the "who has the most rep" thing very easily... I dunno if I'm still in top with my 43 points, but I think so...

so, anyway, the rest of you better start using that rep power of yours so that we dare use ours ;P

edit: gopha's got 6, dezmond's got 5, it generally looks like people are getting more and more power - I think there will be a swing in the rep league very soon...


New Member
Cheers for all the info guys..

I like the idea of competition (Hopefully in a friendly way) for Rep power..

Maybe a league table could be posted in the User CP..

Let the wars begin..


In Cryo Sleep
[mod]The question from this thread has clearly been answered. Now spam is appearing. So the thread has been locked and stickied for future reference.[/mod]
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