all great leaders must realise that it is the population that holds the true power.
They realise that the population holds the power because they could, in theory, grab pitchforks and flaming brands and come round and burn the leader's house down.
I don't believe I'm under any such constraint...
Actually, seriously, it's one of the big problems of anonymous administration, well catalogued as a factor in the ongoing management of online games and communities. Say, for example, that bob was banned, no warning, no reasons given, no apparent chance for appeal and when the Admins are asked about it they refuse to talk on the subject. Perhaps they have excellent reason for acting as they do or perhaps they're power-hungry maniacs with their finger poised over the ban button. Can you tell which? Perhaps, over time, you can... but as a new member to a community you don't get any chances to figure that out as you lack all the cues of being face to face.
I could, as has been pointed out, pretend to be a stunning blonde woman with the hots for geeky guys and would you actually know any different? I've been role-playing for years and had some exceptionally successful female characters in that time... okay, sure, you'd all be exceedingly sceptical from get-go and you'd probably not believe that persona but still, could happen.
On behalf of the Admin Team I'd like to reassure bob that his number isn't up and he's not about to be banned for absolutely no reason without the chance for appeal by a team of fascist Admins who have their fingers poised to strike at any moment on the Big Red Button of Ultimate Ban Power. Really.