Saturday's 2142


Junior Administrator
Don't neglect the support kit. the shotgun is the nuts, IDS and a shotgun is best way to defend a point. you can keep hidden and pop up knowing where they are and be sneaky


Don't neglect the support kit. the shotgun is the nuts, IDS and a shotgun is best way to defend a point. you can keep hidden and pop up knowing where they are and be sneaky

Support also have an infinite amount of grenades, which can be SO helpful. And they can resupply the engineers who are too weak to carry a decent amount of ammo!


Junior Administrator
I've still got a long long way to go. I maxxxed out my engineer kit, apart from the motion mine bait which I dont bother with anyway. Got an upgrade for the recon dude (RDX, I think), Up to the Baur H-AR on pure Assault (but no extra rocket/shotgun clip), and got the defib for medi-assault. Ive neglected the support kit (poor, poor support kit). The only other one I have is 'nades. Extra mag and extendo-clip for the engineer are useful :) I always carry the sonar scanner thingbob and motion mines. The Pilum H-AVR is great, but I cant get to grips with the SAAW anti-air thing.

Tets the only downside to that scanner, is that it dosn't pick up any infantry :p only vehicles :]

and yes, Support is the nuts
i defended the titan core single-handedly against 5 troops at a time with the ol' Shuko oooh good times :D
Just gotta wait for the 1.4 patch to be released, then we get Highway Tampa, AND the Shuko gets an Accuracy increase :D


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah, I must admit that I do enjoy camping it up in the titan corridors with a support machine gun, it's like a giant vending machine that gives out points. I just enjoy upgrading the other kits more than the support just now.

I'm perfectly aware the scanner only detects vehicles, and since that's what Im supposed to be blowing up it's very handy indeed :) Even if it could spot infys, I doubt id go chasing them with my SMG. Also, elD, I resent that 'weak' engineer comment :)


In Cryo Sleep
I disagree, I've never had so much fun as when I'm an engineer. A walker/tank with an engineer in is a formidable force on the battlefield, and the motion mines are pretty good for securing missile silos in Titan mode. Also, the Pilum rifle is probably about the best piece of hardware for blowing up tanks etc. etc. RDX isn't too bad, but I just like to twat them in the rear with the pilum. The SAAW is pretty rubbish, I've never found a good use for that, but Im proficient enough with the pilum to be able to take the jets out with that anyway.
The engineer class doesn't 'suck', maybe it just doesn't work out as well for you as it does for me.


Junior Administrator
I only use it on Titan maps, and most of the time its when I'm parading around with bob in a walker :p, I'll hop out and repair, whilst using the SAAW to take out that bastard jet that keeps buzzing past

( yes I could use the walker, but its much more fun to watch them try and shake off a Missile ;) )


... Also, elD, I resent that 'weak' engineer comment :)

Oh, don't get me wrong, Engineer was the first kit I completely unlocked. I love it. One shoting tanks in the butt with the Pilum is awesome, the SAW is useful just to scare everyone in aircraft away from a single point, and motion mines are just plain old fun. I've got bob in his walker on more than 1 occasion with them :D (though he has got me on more than a thousand occasions with the walker, so meh).

I just mean that the Engineer gets far too few rockets/pilum ammo. You can miss far too easily with the "high velocity" pilum, and using rockets means that the enemy know when to put up their active defenses. Getting the enemy down to smoking and then realising you have no ammo left is just the worse thing ever. Which is why you need a friendly support next to you :D


Junior Administrator
Nah I don't retract my Engineer kit sucks comment cos it does. It's the worst kit by miles. I'm a walker whore so ppl think I'd want to have the Engineer kit for repairs. Not worth it. I very rarely feel any need to emergency repair. The pilum is alright but motion mines are just gay. Like APM kills they are just really annoying. The turcotte and the other one are ok once you get the hang of them but i never feel the need to use a Engineer kit. As if I have some vehicles to destroy then i hop in the rorsch and bosh but if i have inf to deal with then all other kits are better than the engineer. also a recon kit with cloak and demo is an awesome little way to take out armour. I'm not saying the engineer kit isn't useful but its just not as good as all the other kits.


Junior Administrator
The pilum annoys me because it is damned innacurate due to its recoil... I could be stood still for a good 10 seconds lining up a perfect shot only for it to go awol due to the recoil sending it off target :(

I have also used it as a poor man's sniper rifle before...


The pilum is rubbish unless you are at least crouching and zoomed in. The main problem with it is the lack of tracking the projectile like with the missiles, which means it's useless at anything over short-medium range unless the vehicle is going in a straight line to or away from you... Or you're very lucky. Means it's an excellent weapon to jump out from behind a box when a tank has driven past, but then the tank should know who is around him due to the commander.


Junior Administrator
you have to be a spankinglly good shot with the Pilum at long range. It's about knowing the vehicles and predicting the movement


In Cryo Sleep
I'm a walker whore so ppl think I'd want to have the Engineer kit for repairs. Not worth it. ... The pilum is alright but motion mines are just gay. Like APM kills they are just really annoying. ... if i have inf to deal with then all other kits are better than the engineer. also a recon kit with cloak and demo is an awesome little way to take out armour.

I dont think that's true. You're a great walker pilot, but having an engineer riding shotgun really helps to keep it going. Sometimes you can keep a walker going all the way from the start til the end of a map if you do it properly and the pilot is proficient.
The motion mines aren't gay, it's that everyone else is too dumb to look out for them. Ive managed to defend points by myself for ages just by holding up vehicles with motion mines, finding and killing them with the pilum and sonar, and cleaning up infys with the SMG. It's a lot more useful and versatile than you'd imagine. Also, nothing beats the sneaky 'drop the mines under the enemy vehicle spawns' trick :D and also chucking sonars on the enemy vehicles, good sneaky sneakthief tactics.

Bloke + elD, I reckon the pilum is fairly accurate. Even a quick crouch is enough to ensure the shell goes pretty straight, and if you lie prone for 5 seconds or so the shell travels pretty much dead center. I find it easy to get hits on vehicles from miles away, I've even caught the odd jet flying across in front of me. A lot of the difficulty lies in, as bob says, the target-leading, but once you get the hang of it its a doddle.

Recently, I've been going the assault class a lot which is pretty good fun. I think my aim with the rifles has improved a lot recently, most of the time I can get at least a couple of kills before I drop. However, when I'm assault I just find myself completely helpless when vehicles enter the fray, but when im engineer I still have a half-decent anti-personnel (at CQC at least) weapon to complement the anti-vehicular kit.

Realistically, I guess theres no point trying to convince you that engineer is useful because of your style of play, but if you ever need a sucky, shitty, low-ammo engineer's assistance im always around :)


Junior Administrator
Personally i wander about with the Bianchi, Shuko or the Shotgun, the Ganz ? pff not worth the recoil, equip the old IDS, and some emp grenades, and you can eliminate said walker without even so much as a fiddle
its a quick swaperoo with the emp grenades and main weapon with an ammo crate nearby and you can keep mister walker dead on the spot while blowing his vents out :)


Junior Administrator
I don't mind being sneaky pilumed by i do hate motion testicles, they are so frustrating when a tank kills you because u can't move. I find it a complete pain in the arse having a engineer in the walker with me, althought they are handy for repairs (and this is going to sound really big headed, so i apologise) but about 99% of ppl who get in with me are just not good enough in the gunner seat, I get taken out more from gunships when I've got someone up top because they aren't up to it. ppl just can't shoot ppl in the gunner seat. Or when the gunner starts blasting at ground targets. If they hit them first time fine, but they never do so all it means is i can't see where I'm going or where the target is. They are more trouble than they are worth tbh.

You are right the way i play is not suited to Engineer style play at all its the opposite of the way i play. But it still really frustrates me a lot of the time.


In Cryo Sleep
Now that's just a blatant lie, every game I played with you you always asked someone to jump in the walker with you, and it was always a success, I don't see the reasoning for turning round and bashing them now. For a start, they are decent for keeping flyboys away, and they are very useful for popping infantry running over the catwalks in Gibraltar, or the little alchoves in the buildings in Berlin. It also saves you jumping out and having the walker captured by the opposite team, as I can recall happening in Gibraltar last time we were playing :rolleyes:


Junior Administrator
in conquest i liek to have a gunner, but in titan on the most part I'll always go solo if i can always have. I only pick someone up like you as i know you. on the most part I'll run away. If i see somet in the air i put shields up and seat switch. It's not a lie in the slightest.