Save squad rolling!


In Cryo Sleep
Hey guys,

I don't know if you are aware but the new patch that is coming out has a "bug fix" that will remove squad rolling!

Obviously this is quite a big deal as the way it has been implemented will mean that we will no longer be able to jet/heli drop as well as roll squads to keep an assault moving foward.

I personally think this is a bad thing and so I have signed up to a petition that can be found on the following site:

If you feel the same way then please get your name down ASAP.




Signed the petition as I believe it should be a server setting. That way, we, the people, get the choice.


New Member
Signed the petition.

What I cant understand is, why try to change something that nobody has ever complained about.

I dont like having to walk across half a map to get back into the fight.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Alleged EA 1.3 Patch Notes said:
If the player joins a squad while dead, the player will not be able to use the squad leader as a spawn point until they have respawned once

What constitutes "dead"? Are you considered dead at the beginning of a new round? I can't imagine that's true because how else are pickup games going to have new squads form on their squad leader? That'd make no sense at all.

Is "dead" actually something that must occur during a game? You die out in the middle of nowhere, perhaps as part of some other squad, perhaps as a loner, and you figure you can't be arsed for your SL to respawn, or you just want to leap in and then out of a squad... so you join a squad on the front lines, spawn there, then leave the squad straight-away.

That last thought it might make more sense to prevent in order to promote squad cohesiveness -- you've joined this squad, now stick it out with them, dammit! (or something)

I'm not sure whether to sign this or not because I can't tell whether I agree. Anyone got some thoughts or possible clarifications on this?


Junior Administrator
I'm really not sure about this either way. It will eliminate alot of the crappy tactics that [M] apparently used against us too... it just means that squad leaders are going to have to be much more careful when it comes to attacking a flag... they really are going to have to hang back or make sure they are near a medic so that they can be brought back to life should they be killed.

There are good reasons both for and against this, so I'm not going to sign.


Well-Known Member
I'm not so sure about signing this. I mean for instance, if we're contesting for a point (west mine entrance in Fu She comes to mind) and the flag is in neutral, and we come across an enemy squad, it would be so easy to just take him out and not worry about reinforcements.

Ofcourse they could do the same for us, but since we have such good squad leaders and medics, it shouldn't be a problem..


In Cryo Sleep
Must not forget that this is an exploit, the idea of a squad leader is that they stay alive and command there units, instead of reviving them and playing a medic. and anyway, whats the big deal, just get the survivor to make new squad and join it, more awkward, but still the same way of achieving the effect.


well Ive signed the petition, I think its a good thing even if it is an exploit. Most clans use it tactically, and you have to admit that its a pain in the arse having to walk 500 meters to get back into the battle.


Junior Administrator
Gizmo-5 said:
Must not forget that this is an exploit, the idea of a squad leader is that they stay alive and command there units, instead of reviving them and playing a medic. and anyway, whats the big deal, just get the survivor to make new squad and join it, more awkward, but still the same way of achieving the effect.

yes, but if you remember that you have to have spawned at least once while in a squad to be able to spawn on teh squad leader... so that wouldn't work!


I signed the petition, something causing this much dispute can easily be resolved by making it a server setting.


Yeah, the squad leader stays WELL back, out of the fight. And you could all spawn at the main base, and then suicide, so that you can still do jet drops :)


Active Member
VibroAxe said:
then everyone starts on negative dont they?

Might be wrong

It's not the negative point that would be the problem as a clan match isn't about individual points. What could cause problems would be the associated ticket loss that we'd incur.

I don't think we've had a clanmatch that came down to a difference of just a few tickets, but I have had it on some public servers and it could quite easily happen during an ED match. If we lost because of a few early suicides, I don't think anyone would be happy.



In Cryo Sleep
I agree with EA and DICE, the spawn exploit is extremly annoying and people with think twice before attacking a control point.