SFG Game Thread


Staff member
[desc]Spirits were high aboard the Leaky Swordfish. The crew of nine had just found a burried treasure containing over 10,000 pieces of eight! A veritable fortune. None of the crew would ever have to lift a finger again. And what's more, they had mutinied against their intolerable captain, giving them each an even bigger cut of the treasure and a much more relaxing voyage home.

It is decided they require a captain. Someone to lead them if need be. Someone whose votes would count double, if there should ever be need for a vote. What better way to choose a new captain than... a vote?[/desc]

So there you are. Nominate yourself as the new captain, or vote for the one you'd most like to lead. And of course, hash out your backstory beyond the basics you already received.

Please list any votes you make in bold. Last vote you make is the one that counts.

This day will end sometime between 21:00 and 23:00 GMT. I'll give a little leeway as it's the first day. The game proper will begin on day two.

Please refrain from posting in this thread if you aren't playing.


Junior Administrator
[desc]Good Morning, Me Hearties! Is there anyone out here who has a case for wanting to be the Captain?

Our captain must be a FEARLESS leader, and also a FAIR leader, so that we all get an equal share of the bounty!

What say you all?

I've been crew on the Leaky Swordfish for 8 years and aint never seen a bounty like it! We're gonna be able to retire and be rich beyond our wildest dreams!

But first I guess we have to get back to port......[/desc]


Well-Known Member
[desc]Are ye mad, 'ol Bloke?
Those landlubbers would probably take our gold from us an' then we're haven nuthin but an empty crate of wood, I'd suggest we find a new captain and first mate to find a course to a new and better life, full of whores and rum, for us all![/desc]

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]What in the seven blazes is all this racket so early, ye scurvy dogs? In all me days as Quartermaster on this 'ere fine vessel I ain't 'eard such mornin' jubilation. Could it be that ye be countin' yer chickens before they be hatchin'? No gold we can spend while out 'ere at sea so port it is and no complainin' or I'll be shortenin' yer rum rations for two moons or more!

An' what's all this talk of new Cap'ns an' new Mates, hmm? I suggest yer watch yer tongues there, misters! Such talk can 'cause a trouble the kind of which yer not lookin' fer.[/desc]


Well-Known Member
[DESC]Thundrin' blazes! Ye are terrible optimistic! We're days away from the nearest port and ye be thinkin' we can just sail on back w'out a worry? Half of the pirates in the area have been lookin' for this damned treasure. Do ye think they're just gonna let us have it? No! They're damned not!

What ye all be needin' is someone well versed in the ways of combat. How many of ye even know what a grape shot is? The maximum distance a ship can be for it to be effective? I was born an' raised with all this!

What I'm sayin' is I, Nanor Oakwind, can protect our booty. I dare any lubber ta think he can take our treasure. May the Lord forgive me if it's the Crown! *spits*. [/DESC]

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]Arrr, now that's more o' the spirit I be lookin' fer. Now all we be needin' is a good wind at our backs an' the promise of a banquet that even Kings would think resplendent! What course, Cap'n? What port shall we all sail fer? I've a mind to acquire some heavier guns fer Master Gunner Nanor to put some fear into the hearts of our enemies and make 'em leave our treasure be.[/desc]


Junior Administrator
[desc]Hey! Where are all the rest of our crew? or have they all turned tail already? It would seem that mateys Nanor and Ronin have put themselves forward as wanting to be our captain, but I'd like to hear other people's opinions on the matter![/desc]

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]Cap'n? Me? I think not. But if there be no other who will lead yer sorry hides safely home then I guess I'll be man enough fer th' job. Still, as yer be sayin', there's no shortage of doubloons but a sudden scarcity of sailors and that be makin' me think that there's trouble afoot.

Certainly there'll be trouble afoot in the shape of me boot in their asses if they don't get their scrawny butts on deck right this moment![/desc]


Well-Known Member
[desc] Sorry sir, reportin' fer duty sir!
I knows how ter run a ship, but I don'ts knows how ter run a crew - as long as I be gettin' my cut o'booty I will sail under any Cap'n!
My vote would be ter Nanor Oakwind, the man has ne'er led us wrong before, and he seems to know what he's a'doin'.[/desc]


Junior Administrator
[desc]Well well well, I be arousin' from me slumber to find all this nonsense going on up 'ere! We're missing our cap'n you say? Seems he's been claimed by Davey Jones' locker! Well, For a new Cap'n I think for now I Traxatum Willheath have to go with Nanor Oakwind until someone better suited presents themselves!


Junior Administrator
[desc]well the consensus seems to be that crewman Nanor should be our captain, I'll throw my weight behind this decision. For now.........[/desc]


Junior Administrator
Staff member
[desc]It seems Mr. Oakwind is carrying the weight of the crew. Very well, sir, you have my ear as well. What's next? Do we head to port, like Mr. Bloke and Mr. Storm are clammoring, or do we drop anchor over near that island, split the coins and go our separate ways? I'll stand behind you, whatever your call, and I stand ready to throw everyone who disagrees to the sharks![/desc]

Hey, :)

Voting for Nanor as well.


Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]The thing I be findin' most mystifyin' is the whereabouts of Seaman VibroAxe and this gives me the shivers. While ye all be castin' aspersions against Master Gunner Nanor, I cannot help but see that he was 'ere and that seadog VibroAxe was not. I smell skullduggery, I do, and I like skullduggery not one bit. To the bottom, say I![/desc]

My vote is for VibroAxe.


Well-Known Member
(Ronin, are you changing your vote for captain or are you voting for Vibs to be axed? I'm confused... :()


Staff member
As there seems to be a little confusion, you're voting for a captain today. The lynching proper will begin tomorrow ;)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Ah, sorry. I'll L2read or something. ;)

Scratch that vote.

[desc]Still, be my suspicions as they may, we'd best press forward an' make some decisions real quick. The wind is clearly with Master Gunner Nanor this day and I mislike the exposure up there on the aft deck so I'll be happy to step aside an' let 'im take the tiller.[/desc]

So, uhm, Nanor for Captain. :)


Well-Known Member
[Desc]Arr! Ye've vested your trust in a worthy seamen! Once it 'as been finalised ye'll all be on yer way to riches![/desc]


Staff member
[desc]As night falls, it's obvious no one on board objects to Nanor's captaincy. With the formalities out of the way, the crew quickly begins the celebration.

Later on, Captain Nanor retires to his fancy new chambers, mumbles approvingly, and sits down at his new desk. He shuffles some papers around, not really certain what it is a captain actually does. He quickly bores of the paperwork, lays down, and passes out on the luxurious bed.

The Leaky Swordfish sails on into the night, its holds full of booty and its crew full of rum. What will morning bring?[/desc]

It is now night. No actions will take place tonight. Morning will begin at 3am GMT.