SFG Game Thread


Staff member
[desc]As the sun rises, the crew of the Leaky Swordfish wakes to the sound of a squaking parrot and a string of expletives coming from the captain's chambers. Dragon is first on the scene, running in to find the contents of the captain's desk strewn about, and Captain Nanor shouting something incomprehensible.

"What is it, cap'n?"


"Aye... What?"

"That scurvy dog VibroAxe, he took it!"

"Took what? And you're sure y' seen him?"


"It's jus' that, well, cap'n, sir... Yer patch is on the wrong eye."

"Well maybe I didn' see 'im, but he was actin' suspicious yesterday!"

As the rest of the crew slowly made their way in, it became abundantly clear that the captain didn't know anything of use. Attention turned to the mess of books and papers left scattered on the captain's desk. No doubt someone had been looking for something, but who? And what?

Huung began to dig through the mess, looking for anything of interest. He stops as he comes across the map to their recently plundered treasure, and notes from the former captain himself. Everyone gathers around to read.

The captain's entire plan laid out: build a crew, find the treasure, and then steal it out from under them before they can get back to port. His notes mention two co-conspirators, but not by name. Surely this is what the one who had broken in was looking for.

The notes continue: should any one of the traitors be caught, the other two were to continue on. Too much work for two men to remove the treasure on their own, but if they could kill off the crew one by one, they could escape.

Finally, scrawled on the back of the map, there's one final note:

"Ol' Davey Rackham says he herd rumours 'bout me crew. That one o' the men knows lots 'bout lots. Might know lots 'bout me or me mates, and reveal the plan. Must be findin' out which one he's talkin' 'bout."

The crew stands silent for a minute.

"So which onea ya be after me share o' the treasure?!" shouts Ronin Storm, and a small melee breaks out amongst the crew.

Captain Nanor steps up on top of his desk, rapier drawn.

"Arrr! Let's settle this like men! WITH A VOTE!"

And so it was decided. Each day, one man would walk the plank until the crew was free of traitors.

The Leaky Swordfish sailed on, its story just beginning.[/desc]

So, the crew finds they have two traitors amongst them, and one man who may be able to uncover said traitors.

Additionally, they have a captain whose votes count as double and could be aligned with either side.

Day will continue until sometime around 22:00 GMT. (This day started way late, if you noticed. Should be sooner than this in the future.)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]There be nothin' fer it but fer each man o' this crew to account fer himself. So we'll be hearin' words from all o' ye maggots as to why ye be innocent and let the sea claim the ones who be the faithless dogs that plot against the rest of us! Fer I declare that if I'd wanted all the gold fer meself then it is plain that I'd 'ave stood meself fer Cap'n so me chances were that much greater. But I didn't, did I? No, indeed, I'm happy as a sailor in a brothel after a year at sea wi' me share and that be the truth of it. But I ain't so sure about the rest o' ye, 'specially that squint-eyed Seaman VibroAxe an' 'is shifty lack o' votin' on the yesterday.[/desc]

Let me kick this one off with a vote against VibroAxe as I kinda shot that bolt yesterday... :p


Junior Administrator
[desc]Bein one o' the longest standing members o' this crew, I can tell you lot now that there is no way in hell that I would ever to anything to harm the best interests of the Swordfish!!!! I think that I would go with Ronin here on the vote for VibroAxe, who knows what that conniving Land Lubber has been up to while hiding from us???[/desc]


Junior Administrator
[desc]Me lords, there be a mass confusion here. I was asleeping in mah bunk after all of the hard work that the old captain put me through. I am only a cabin boy hired at the last minute, there is no way that I could have been part of any plan to steal the treasure. I fear that quarter master Ronin has been ere too quick to point the pinger of acusation. As he proclaims himself, he was second only to the captain, surely this would be the perfect man to be include in the captains plan. He must be removed from this ship, for surely we can manage provisions ourselves, but to be rid of this treacherous <INSERT CHOICE EXPLETIVE HERE> is of far more importance! Now, I must to work, Cap'n Nanor, what would you have me do?[/desc]

Note to narator: It might be kinda handy for the whole role playing thing if we knew the name of our previous captain


Well-Known Member
[desc]Well, well who shall I give me vote for? For some reason I think at least one of the traitors must'a been close to 'ar old captain to help him keep 'ar ol' lady under control. So maybe it was our new Cap Nanor himself?[/desc]

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]I can see this be fallin' into mayhem wi' little consideration fer the facts, which themselves are scarce and that's no lie. What we can be sure of is that one of us was conspicuously not present and accounted for at the votin' yesterday and as soon as I care to point this out he's quick to make accusations in return. A guilty conscience, say I!

But, equally, others have remained altogether far too quiet through this day, and I mislike that greatly. What of Traxatum Willheath, another who claims to have been sleepin', though he did at least make an appearance. And Seaman Huung who claims he'd sail for any Cap'n... or none, p'rhaps? Or maybe even that scurvy dog Zooggy who held his word to the last moment awaitin' a favourable wind to follow?

I cannot tell who be the real culprit here for so many of me shipmates are so sudden silent or at each other's throats. We need some sort of agreement here, an' fast before the sun is fallin' and the Cap'n himself pushes the vote as he will. Real men make their own decisions, say I.[/desc]

(No change of vote, here.)


Well-Known Member
[Desc]Dragon ye scurvy son of a landlubber! How dare ye! Typical of yer type. 'course the captains the most obvious one t' blame. Start high up an' then work yer way down to divert attention away from you. That yer plan?

I'll see to it that yer walkin' the plank one o' these days![/desc]

I'm voting for Dragon!


Junior Administrator
[desc]I've be cautiously watching the events that 'ave unfolded 'ere today, and I mus' say, tiss 'lot of pointin' fingers and not much else, no one seems to be in the 'no and I don't like it!

From what I can tell Ronin Storm seems to be very quick to point fingers... and I canny see any reason for it![/desc]


Well-Known Member
[Desc]Upon further evaluation of the crew members... VibroAxe seems a bit aggressive. The only aggressiveness I care for is against our enemies, not each other. I'm aware two of us are traitors but we should be fair and not point fingers without concrete evidence. VibroAxe is not doing well to help the situation by being so temperamental.[/desc]

I have changed my vote to VibroAxe.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
[desc]Mr. Dragon, calm ye down. Captain Oakwind is surely above suspicion. He would heed no need to put himself forth as captain, and otherwise, have no call to yell for thievery as he did.

As for me, I am with the quartermaster. Mr. Storm, I do belive you are correct. Mr. Axe's misterious disappearance on this past day, and the likes, his all too quick and ill-formed denial, that is the sign of guilt if I ever saw it.

Mr. Axe, to the sharks with ye![/desc]

Hoy, :)

Voting for VibroAxe, in case it wasn't obvious. ;)


Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]Someone has to point some fingers around here. Standing back like some lily-livered pussyfoot will just get us all sent straight to Davy's Locker wi'out so much as a by yer leave. So a hard stance I take fer a hard time, as needs must! Two o' you lot are the traitorous scum who'd kill us all in a heartbeat fer the treasure. I'm not going ta stand by an' let that happen wi'out sayin' my piece.[/desc]


Well-Known Member
[desc]Well well Zooggy, ye might 'ave a point there. As me mind is too scrambled 'ight now, I withdraw my vote against 'ar Cap and stay neutral today.[/desc]

As stated above I recall my vote against Nanor and stay NEUTRAL (if thats possible ... otherwise well ... Nanor seems to survive this day anyway)


Well-Known Member
[desc]Tis a sad day ter be sure, to think we be havin' traitors in our midst!
T'would be a shame ter lose our Quartermaster, but I've never seen a man so desperate to save his own hide by drumming up resistance against a fellow crewman! Ronin Storm, ye be makin' yerself look guilty as sin![/desc]

Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]At least let it be said that I be holdin' to me convictions unless evidence is presented that be changin' me mind and I ain't seen one drop of evidence either way. So I'm goin' wi' me gut.[/desc]


Staff member
[desc]With fire in their eyes, the crew grab VibroAxe and shove him towards the plank. Leading the hostilities is Ronin Storm, who draws his sword and points it menacingly at VibroAxe's neck.

"Say yer last words, an' make it quick."[/desc]

It is night. VibroAxe may make a final post as his last words, everyone else please remain silent until morning.

Those with nighttime actions, have them to me by 3:00.


Staff member
[desc]The crew sleeps uneasily, thinking about the fate of VibroAxe and the uncertainty of what the morning will bring. As the sun rises, the crew makes its way to the deck. It is quickly determined that Captain Nanor is missing. A search of his quarters and the rest of the ship turns up nothing. Zooggy breaks the silence.

"Y'think they just threw 'em overboard?"

"Aye, tis likely," responds Thatbloke, "perhaps if we take a look from t' crow's ne--" He stops dead in the middle of his sentence. Everyone follows his eyes to the crow's nest, where they can see Nanor hanging from a noose. It appears as though he had also become tangled in the ship's rigging, allowing him to cling to life for a little longer.

The crew cuts him down as quickly as possible, but it's clear that he's breathing his last breaths.

Down to six crew members, the Leaky Swordfish sails onward.[/desc]

Day three. The crew can opt to elect a new captain or have someone lynched, but not both. Please be clear with your votes so there isn't a tragic misunderstanding ;)

Nanor, you may make one final post if you desire.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
[desc]Captain... Captain! DRAGON! You dog! All this talk of scrambled minds and staying neutral, and all the while, you wanted him dead! You want to be captain yourself, so you can avail your own pockets of the gold, no doubt..

This will not do! I'll have your scurvied bowels for lunch, you... you apostate snake![/desc]

Ahey, :)

I'm voting to lynch Dragon.


Ronin Storm

Staff member
[desc]Y'know, I had a feelin' this might be the way of things but knowin' that does nothin' to lessen the sadness me 'eart feels on seein' it is so. I doff me 'at to ye, Cap'n Nanor, an' vow that I'll be searchin' fer justice fer ye 'til me last breath.

But who is the culprit 'ere? Who indeed? Mr Dragon would seem an obvious choice but, methinks, too obvious. Vote against the Cap'n one evenin', 'ang 'im overnight? Would show a sort of singlemindedness, I guess, but 'ardly the sort of cunnin' I'd expect from a conspirator.

I 'ave my suspicions, 'tis true, but I think I'll be 'earing more from the rest of ye before I make me thoughts better known.[/desc]

No vote yet.


Well-Known Member
[desc]Ye are a 'lil quick te point yer finger ... Mr. Zooggy. I think 't was ye who killed him, disuisin' 's some who tried to safe ar cap' n then same night shovin' him from crows nest! How did ye get him up ther 'nyway?´[/desc]