[desc]As the sun rises, the crew of the Leaky Swordfish wakes to the sound of a squaking parrot and a string of expletives coming from the captain's chambers. Dragon is first on the scene, running in to find the contents of the captain's desk strewn about, and Captain Nanor shouting something incomprehensible.
"What is it, cap'n?"
"Aye... What?"
"That scurvy dog VibroAxe, he took it!"
"Took what? And you're sure y' seen him?"
"It's jus' that, well, cap'n, sir... Yer patch is on the wrong eye."
"Well maybe I didn' see 'im, but he was actin' suspicious yesterday!"
As the rest of the crew slowly made their way in, it became abundantly clear that the captain didn't know anything of use. Attention turned to the mess of books and papers left scattered on the captain's desk. No doubt someone had been looking for something, but who? And what?
Huung began to dig through the mess, looking for anything of interest. He stops as he comes across the map to their recently plundered treasure, and notes from the former captain himself. Everyone gathers around to read.
The captain's entire plan laid out: build a crew, find the treasure, and then steal it out from under them before they can get back to port. His notes mention two co-conspirators, but not by name. Surely this is what the one who had broken in was looking for.
The notes continue: should any one of the traitors be caught, the other two were to continue on. Too much work for two men to remove the treasure on their own, but if they could kill off the crew one by one, they could escape.
Finally, scrawled on the back of the map, there's one final note:
"Ol' Davey Rackham says he herd rumours 'bout me crew. That one o' the men knows lots 'bout lots. Might know lots 'bout me or me mates, and reveal the plan. Must be findin' out which one he's talkin' 'bout."
The crew stands silent for a minute.
"So which onea ya be after me share o' the treasure?!" shouts Ronin Storm, and a small melee breaks out amongst the crew.
Captain Nanor steps up on top of his desk, rapier drawn.
"Arrr! Let's settle this like men! WITH A VOTE!"
And so it was decided. Each day, one man would walk the plank until the crew was free of traitors.
The Leaky Swordfish sailed on, its story just beginning.[/desc]
So, the crew finds they have two traitors amongst them, and one man who may be able to uncover said traitors.
Additionally, they have a captain whose votes count as double and could be aligned with either side.
Day will continue until sometime around 22:00 GMT. (This day started way late, if you noticed. Should be sooner than this in the future.)