Sins of a Solar Empire!


Staff member
I think they'll sort out most of the gameplay issues, given time. They're fairly good at updating, iirc.


When I make a game, I'm going to ask Piacular to check it over for obvious flaws. I might not pay attention but at least when it sucks I can have Piacular tell me that he told me so. :)

I'm thinking Pia and Yahtzee (from Zero Punctuation). The two of them testing games in the alpha stage would be both soul crushing and mind blowing at the same time! :D

Ronin Storm

Staff member
The two of them testing games in the alpha stage would be both soul crushing and mind blowing at the same time! :D

Certainly would make playtest review meetings a hard-hat area... :eek:

"Well, basically this game sucks in the way that these games so often suck. There's no balance, the gameplay is all derivative, uber-units invalidate anything you might have built up to that point, and basically Company of Heroes did it better." ;)


Well another game bites the dust and falls by the wayside....see you all in COD4 for a straight fight with no gravity/aiming issues!



Junior Administrator
Would you believe that Gamespot disagree with Piacular?

I disagree with Piacular :p

Sure there are some minor imbalance Issues, I can have one Iconus Guardian stationed at every one of my planets. I could have a fleet of them. They repel enemy ships by using a telekinetic push ( much like that of Star Wars Force Push ) which sends all frigates, cruisers and capitol ships flying outside the radius of the Iconus Guardian. Stick that and one Halycon Class Carrier ( capitol ship) and sure you have a small area of space that is totally Immune to any enemy craft. The iconus guardian only goes as far as repelling BIG ships. The bombers and the fighters are not affected by the Iconus Guardian. All you have to do to beat them is target them directly with your smaller craft blow them to bits and carry on targeting the rest of the fleet with your own.
These imbalance issues will be fixed over due course and when they do things will be much better, all they need to do is put a cool down / increase the antimatter cost of the Repel ability. I absolutely love the game, sure it takes a while to get into a game, the whole start up is a bitch because it takes 20-30minutes before you're into the game. However once it starts going things are much more interesting. Docbot and I were playing a large map, 5 stars 50 planets, It took us about 6 hours to get to a point where we had maxed out our fleet capacities and were staging assaults on the AI (the game only ended there because DB's machine decided to kick me but meh :p) We were having a rather fun time having little skirmishes against the Ai's planets, the pirates and others, sure if we could have gotten a game against real people it would have been better but at the moment there dosen't seem to be many people playing it so we had to do with AI :p

anyway seeing how its taken over an hour to write this I've actually forgotten the point I was making and will add that at a later date...
