Slogans for TheHavenNet.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
pHatBambi said:
TheHavenNet - Is run by a procedural entity, aka - RoninStorm.

I've told you before, I'm a complex contrivance of randomly interacting objects not some loopy procedural beast! :D


TheHavenNet - When else are you going to see a lurve monkey.
TheHavenNet - Lara Croft's good enough for me.
TheHavenNet - When you want to see a swedish man cutting up boddies.


In Cryo Sleep
TheHavenNet - Better than Morris Dancing

TheHavenNet - Better than a tribe of germans playing with wurst!

TheHavenNet - 1,2,3,4,5. Once I caught a fish alive...

TheHavenNet - All the protein, carbs and vitamins of your Grandmas best turkey dinner, plus 15% alcohol.


Junior Administrator
Ronin Storm said:
I've told you before, I'm a complex contrivance of randomly interacting objects not some loopy procedural beast! :D

That is yet to be determined, and is the subject of an on-going scientific debate! Personally I detected a whiff of assembler on you... but it may have been FORTRAN.

T-Bone said:
Yeh, what I meant was number 1. Also what I meant by "I don't know how" is that I don't know the Java coding :P

I'll dig out the code for you... I have it around here somewhere... :)

Found it - here it is, courtesy of DevHood: (note that this is supposed to be used for adverts, hence extra code around links per image)
<title>Banner Demo</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.images)
    // First create an array with links to the images you want to
    // display as banners. I chose 3 image locations.
    adImages = new Array("[URL=""][/URL]",
    // When the user clicks on a banner it should take the user to
    // the website of that company. Therefore we create another
    // array with a list of URLs. Keep the order the same as images.
    adURLs = new Array("[URL=""][/URL]",
    thisAd = 0;
// The following function cycles through each banner image.
// Notice the use of the variable thisAd to go from 0 to 2 and then
// back to 0. JavaScript has an object called document whose
// member adBanner can be set to the current banner to display.
function cycleAds()
    if (document.images)
        if (document.adBanner.complete)
            if (++thisAd == adImages.length)
                thisAd = 0;
            document.adBanner.src = adImages[thisAd];
    // change to next banner every 15 seconds
    setTimeout("cycleAds()", 4300);
// This function is used to direct the user to the website when
// the user clicks on a particular banner image.
function gotoAd()
    document.location.href = "http://" + adURLs[thisAd];
<body bgcolor=ffffff onload="cycleAds()">
<a href="javascript:gotoAd()">
<img name="adBanner" src="[URL=""][/URL]" border="0" alt="Click here to visit these links"></a>


Staff member
Ronin Storm said:
I most certainly do not neatly align myself into columns, thank you very much! :p
But... Is there a newer version that has that functionality? It sounds like something that would be useful... ;)


The Haven Net - Do you really want to do the dishes?

The Haven Net - Its better than a night out at a GAY bar

The Haven Net - Just to piss your misses off

The Haven Net - Thats right your wife is cheating on you!

The Haven Net - Whoops are you lost?

The Haven Net - Because no clan wants you!

The Haven Net - The Home of The Real Euro Force

Fuzzy Bunny

TheHavenNet - The offical forums of the Telic Campaign
TheHavenNet - (\/) o o (\/) *CLACK CLACK*
TheHavenNet - Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmister Crow!


I still think..

TheHavenNet - Cause your not gonna get any tonight anyway. the best one! I cracked up when I saw that!


Junior Administrator
The Haven Net - Geeks with guns. And not much else

The Haven Net - Where monkeys meet goats. You know the rest.


The Haven Net - More hyper than an overdose of sugar.

The Haven Net - Please do not feed the goats.

The Haven Net - You must have a cooler of height 1/2m to get in.

The Haven Net - "Let's mooove out!"

The Haven Net - Where procedural entites come to play.

The Haven Net - Your connection to the server has been terminated.

The Haven Net - GODLIKE!!!

The Haven Net - Insanity is the price of your frag count.


In Cryo Sleep
TheHavenNet - All your interwebs are belong to us.

TheHavenNet - Now there's something you don't see every day...thank God.

TheHavenNet - As long as their are noobs there's always the real thing.

TheHavenNet - More 'Rad' than hot, lesbian surfer chicks in bikinis.