Well-Known Member
He's Australian - maybe it's acceptable down under? 
I personally don't have an issue with it, like Nanor said, there's worse which can be done. I suppose it's because when you're shooting people, you don't empathise with those being shot; if you had piss thrown on you, it seems more likely to happen in real life, so people instantly get a bit more, "ewww" about it, as they imagine how they'd feel if it happened to them. Except D, who apparantly would like that.
I personally don't have an issue with it, like Nanor said, there's worse which can be done. I suppose it's because when you're shooting people, you don't empathise with those being shot; if you had piss thrown on you, it seems more likely to happen in real life, so people instantly get a bit more, "ewww" about it, as they imagine how they'd feel if it happened to them. Except D, who apparantly would like that.