Soap Box I


In Cryo Sleep
well personly ive got lovly hair im the guy of the herbal escences advert that women nicked my loin cloth:mad:


In Cryo Sleep
I use any shampoo which is there and i can get to quickly. I dont care if i spell of wild berriys or perfume as long as my hair is soft and silky :D Ive seen a pic of piacular. Ive actually still got the photo ;) hes very shexi ;)


In Cryo Sleep

We need to reincarnate the post yer pic thread. I'll start it again tomorrow by posting all the ones I have of THN from the old Thread.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
T bone I think the gallery idea will be where we post up pictures. Its being sorted soon I think.


New Member
I don't know what shampoo I use and I can't be bothered to check... It's called fruity or something and comes in a green bottle...

As for my barnet, it's quite long, rocker style and its GINGER!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

As for Gophas hair... Well, he doesn't have 2 types of hair like the rest of us... He has pubic hair on his head!!! HAHAHA! It's so funny!


In Cryo Sleep
OI u mite forget that i read these posts Paul scholes! My hair is beautiful with curly locks ;)


New Member
lol gopha well you know everyone would have found out eventually...

I think you should shave your head...
Not sayin it would look good, just for the comedy factor ;)