Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Technology Video


New Member
If you look deeper you will notice the PS3 has two processing units, each of which utilise it's own 256Mb memory, one processor is dedicated towards graphics and the other dedicated towards the main processing.

The Xbox360 has the same memory when put together (512Mb total memory) however it only has one processor to process the same amount of information. In this case, PS3's are a damnsight faster to load programs and games, however the Xbox can load pure graphics or pure code faster than the PS3 if it is the only thing it is loading at the time. So, in terms of actual console speed, the PS3 wins out in terms of loading, but the Xbox can load background code and programming faster.


Staff member
This radically different architecture, though, is causing a lot of problems with development. Many studios claim it is harder to develop for, and blame it for game delays. Valve refuses to deal with it altogether (The Orange Box port was handled by an EA team.)


New Member
Alas that is true, and Blu-Ray itself is not exactly cheap to use in order to store data

Generally, PS3 games are a lot mroe expensive than Xbox360, usually by a full £10


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Have they utelised the connection to PSP's much? I noticed that this was possible in the one of the latest upgrades to the PSP.


Junior Administrator
I tried doing that, but never really saw much point in it, because what ever game I was trying to do it with, didn't work at the time


New Member
There is little point of utilising the PSP other than playing PSP games on the PS3 (Even with the resolution-enhancing they look shocking on a TV) and moving storage data about