TBH WoW is hard...


Well-Known Member
Out of interest, has anyone posting in this thread played on beta or even the PTRs? Or is this all speculation rather than informed debate?


Out of interest, has anyone posting in this thread played on beta or even the PTRs? Or is this all speculation rather than informed debate?

A freind was gunna get me a Beta key (Woo for having freinds who work at Blizz.) but she said the Beta Servers were full. :(


Out of interest, has anyone posting in this thread played on beta or even the PTRs? Or is this all speculation rather than informed debate?
My first post Ghostcrawlers response to
Wouldn't a better design plan be that we're able to hit 2 or more buttons every cooldown and you really need to decide which one is the best at that moment to push - wouldn't that make for more interesting gameplay?


Out of interest, has anyone posting in this thread played on beta or even the PTRs? Or is this all speculation rather than informed debate?
Been retting on my Paladin on the beta, prepare for nerfing! No more facerolling. :eek:


In Cryo Sleep
Hmm this is a complex debate with many flowing angles of variance, so im just gonna get to the core of it if thats ok.

When looking at the Dumbing down of said game "wow" to a more consumer and dare i say it "nooblike" state i ask the jury to focus on the REAL debate here which is tbh ....Will thr be a point when we can ride Murlocs? i think anything outside of this groundbreaking and primary issue should b shelfed and i dont think im being obtuse when i say this but...if you want to talk about button bashing and complexity issues in a game get your own thred!! This one is blatently about Murloc riding!!....

....oh wait....


Well-Known Member
No more facerolling. :eek:

This makes me happy in the special places. Ret now is fun enough to play, but... well, lacking in any real kind of challenge.

Also, I'm with Gid on the Murloc-riding front. It must be done.


In Cryo Sleep
This makes me happy in the special places. Ret now is fun enough to play, but... well, lacking in any real kind of challenge.

Been watching a couple of videos about cata changes and these two may be of interest you Ari....

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpkTfZWz-3o - A look at the talent tree, whats changed and the new abilities.

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B15YFFVxy9s - With everything ready the guy tries to put together a rotation or priority system, but with so much to keep track of its certainly going to be difficult.

Ret certainly looks much more complecated than it is at the moment.


In Cryo Sleep
the new 'holy power' resource is gonna be tricky for palas to use effectively i guess, as well as the mastery bonus stat thingy for retri which allows auto attacks to grant a 3/3 'holypower spell' could be alot of proc watchin :P



Well-Known Member
the new 'holy power' resource is gonna be tricky for palas to use effectively i guess, as well as the mastery bonus stat thingy for retri which allows auto attacks to grant a 3/3 'holypower spell' could be alot of proc watchin :P


It's not any more tricky to watch than combo points, or any other proc based ability tbh... about time those retris actually had a small amount to do in order to produce such mean DPS.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Right. Re-downloading the Beta tonight, playing it tomorrow, giving some final details, including pics, on what things'll look like tomorrow night, hopefully.