Team Fortress 2!


Well-Known Member
(For those of you who purchased steams Orange Box, you will be able to play the Team Fortress 2 beta.)

So the game was released yesterday, well this morning, at 12AM GMT. When I got home from school, I booted it up and away I went. Before I hopped onto a server, I created my own server to look around the maps and classes. The maps look great! It's like being on the set of The Incredibles! The maps are reasonably small which is great as it means I don't have to travel half way across the map to get some action!

The characters look, and sound absolutely amazing. I tried a heavy weapons guy and I walked around by myself shooting walls and stuff. I then pressed the G key by accident. Oh my God. The camera turned around to give me a third person view of my character as he picked up his minigun, with eyes as wide as plates and shouted "YOU DID WELL!" and hugs his minigun! Or "...kiss me!" as he hugs the minigun... dang. I haven't tried them all, but they are different for all weapons and classes. For example if I use my fists as a HWG (Heavy Weapons Guy) he pretends he's in the wild west and draws an imaginary gun and shouts "Pow!". The engineer line dances. :D

As for the actual combat, it's brilliant! I hopped onto an online server. Now, as a HWG I'm fat, carrying this big ass gun and consequently run very slowly. This means if I'm faced with lots of dudes I can't run away unless they can't aim. Because of this I died quite a bit, but not without racking a good few kills! So as I was playing a map (not sure which it was) and being very defensive I noticed my health went up to 450 from 300. I turned around and there was a friendly medic standing there aiming a gun at me firing a red laser beam. Sure you it's really radioactive but you get lots of health! With this buff I walked into the enemies position and milled down one or two before having to pull out due to the fact there were still quite a few. Anyway, when you're being healed you see a thing called Ubercharge with a number beside it. When this gets to 100% you, and the medic become invulnerable. So I ran in when I was invulnerable and racked up six kills to have the TF2 equivalent of "Dominating" to be a catchy tune. Ofcourse then my invulnerability ran out and I was backstabbed and asked if I wanted to take a picture of my assassin running away.

Also, you're probably thinking "That poor medic with no kills". He gets assists if I kill someone and he's healing me, which tallies up his score as well as the points he's getting from healing me.

This game is seriously win. It's a great break from all those tactical shooters when all you wanna do is act stupid, commend your gun and shout taunts as you mow down the enemy.

I can really see clan matches with THN if people get into it. Who wants to by medic and keep me alive?!


Active Member
This game is certainly sounding fantastic! I'm purchasing the orange box on thursday so maybe I'll join you for a few games then. Can't wait :)


Junior Administrator
Downloading now :D Can't wait, I'll report back my findings once I've had a blast.

Edit: Had a few games, seems to be totally awesome, enjoyed some very frantic team battles, the classes seemed to work quite well and although it took a few rounds to get a proper feel for the game it's definitely a lot of fun.

Can't wait for the full release. :D


In Cryo Sleep
TFC was great when I had a few games with KC, and it sounds to me like this is even better so I guess I'll add this to the 'Games I Have To Buy' list :D


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ok so i gave in last night and finally pre ordered the orange box and joined the beta.

As usual the first game was horrible. Dustbowl map and i was attacking so didn't see much except for the respawn menu alot :). Next few maps were good and I started to see alot of parrellels between TF2 and TFC especially the map designs. although I didn't realise at first. The whole feel to it is nice and I hope we get a good amount of people from THN playing it and enjoying it.


Junior Administrator
hehehe I've found i like to moan about this game, this is primarily cos I'm rubbish at it. I want to love it and there's loads about it that i do love I'm just absolutely terrible at it. Maybe if i get in the hours that others have, or i borrow
piaculars hacks


In Cryo Sleep
Heh, my h4x are mine and mine alone!

TF2 is okay, fun to play with others I guess. Steam's stats are a little b0rked, and after all that hardwork too :eek:.


Although I have TF2 ready to play, I am not keen on beta versions of games. I would rather other people found the glitches first.

When is the full release expected?


Active Member
Although I have TF2 ready to play, I am not keen on beta versions of games. I would rather other people found the glitches first.

When is the full release expected?

Probably the 10th October when the full orange box is released. The game has been very smooth and glitch free for me in the beta so I would highly recommend you play!

In saying that an event is up for tomorrow night.


In Cryo Sleep
Aye, I'd say what we're playing is the finished version, HotStuff.

Only one thing stands out to me, and that is the speed of 1 final point on one level :).


...The game has been very smooth and glitch free for me in the beta so I would highly recommend you play!...

If I'm loading the game, at the game menu, loading into a server, queuing on a server, playing on a server, disconnecting from a server, or generally just thinking about TF2, and someone using that god-forsaken Steam community chat, I almost always have to restart TF2 and Steam it crashes so hard.

And yes, I've turned off the in-game messages, but they still show up... How helpful...


Active Member
Is xfire on in the background? I have a suspicion that it causes problems. I only get the occasional stutter when I first join a server then it's fine.

In fact, I may as well delve a little deeper. This isn't a problem with TF2 but happens when I join a server in any steam game. I suspect it's our BT Home Hub router because it only started to be a problem since we got it.

On joining a server for the first time, I am disconnected within about 20seconds, and I can't rejoin the server until my name disappears in the list, as I still seem to be in the server. I sit there refreshing until my name dissapears so I can join again, and I can play and rejoin other servers fine for the rest of the day. If I try to join another server after being kicked from the first one, I get the same problem until I wait for my name to disappear and rejoin. Lately, it's been taking longer and longer for my name to time out in servers, causing me to wait longer till I can play.

I should perhaps put this in a separate thread :p