Teamspeak bans


In Cryo Sleep
I say we should do this similar to the Alienswarm thread, when someone is banned from Teamspeak, post it up here. Transparency is always a good thing.

Name: sgcmaster, banned at 11:19 UTC 04-15-2006.
Reason: Kicked by Nanor for spamming twice, a few minutes before, came into The Chat Room and asked for a keygen.
Duration: All TS bans are permanent.


Staff member
[00:13:38] *priv* SERVER: Client "*KayBee*1" got banned from Server by "Haven"
[00:13:38] *KayBee*1 was kicked from the server by player Haven ()

He logged in and treated us to his techno collection. As much as I enjoyed it I decided it was probably best he not be allowed to hang around.


Hmm seems to be a few people comming on to TS and spamming now adays. I was on the other day playing CSS and some knob came on shouting random stuff. No Admin to kick him though, so just jumped into the Clanmatch channel :).

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Macca said:
seems to be a few people comming on to TS

Could just leave it at that. Many names on TS that I've never seen or heard of around THN. Is it just that word has gotten around that we've got a TS server running?


Maybe, or perhaps with the combination of ED for BF2. and the new site and sub-sites, THN has just increased in visability taking it's TS2 services with it.

It's not a major concern though, our TS services got a major security upgrade a month or two back courtacy of T-bone and co..

Fuzzy Bunny

A good number of ASw players use the TS server semi-regularly. I think most of them are unregistered too.


Interesting spam attack this afternoon, bucket load of "lol" players joining. You can also see my failed attempt to ban one of them :p



Junior Administrator
Staff member
top tune mardy bum :)

I also tried to ban one of them and failed but bart came through :)


Well-Known Member
ROFL, that is hysterically funny.

"Sorry I got kicked but I'm back now"
"Player kicked"


He is digitally changing his voice. Not overly hard to do, you can get loads programs that can do it. Its just very annoying :D


Staff member
A quick heads up - I've done about 12 ip bans for inapropriate names now in TeamSpeak for some of the German guys who are repeatedly joining and being racist/anti-semitic or outright nazi in their choise of names.

There's no quick fix here as they are all on dynamic ip's but please help me out and keep perm banning when you see people in the World of Warcraft channels with really inappropriate names. Once we build up enough ip based bans then it will start to have an affect but it will take a while.