Junior Administrator
Updated original post with new server info.
This server is running on our server via mono using a server platform similar to Bukkit for Minecraft called TDSM It is open, but developed only by one person. We won't have the problems that minecraft did before bukkit came out as all the source code is publicly visible so if Deathcradle stops supporting it someone else can pick it up
Haven would like me to put some info on the Wiki but I cannot do so because I can't login / register 
TL;DR of what would be on there is how to install incase of a fuck-up or someone wanting to make their own which is available on
This server is running on our server via mono using a server platform similar to Bukkit for Minecraft called TDSM It is open, but developed only by one person. We won't have the problems that minecraft did before bukkit came out as all the source code is publicly visible so if Deathcradle stops supporting it someone else can pick it up
TL;DR of what would be on there is how to install incase of a fuck-up or someone wanting to make their own which is available on