Thaddius 25 man tactics


New Member
Okay, last time we wen't to Thaddius in the heroic mode of Naxxramas, we had abit of a problem with the tactics, I found this video if a simple way to do it, pretty much like the way I used to do it with my old guild.

You just split up into two groups, negative on one side and positive on the other, with the strategy shown in this video, you won't run through the boss, but you will still cross eachother's paths while you run, but this won't be a problem since there's time to run until the polarity starts taking / dealing damage to other players.

This fight is all about people noticing wich polarity they have, other people can't be asked to keep track on what people have, so it's all up to each raiding player.

Feel free to link any other tactics, and/or discuss the one I posted.

// Ginnunga


In Cryo Sleep
We had 3-4 stacks on our try, these guys have way more, stacks = dmg = enrage problem solved


Active Member
Good tactic, though one thing eludes me - why don't the people that are running across kill each other? If they don't (or they do but just a little) this is a very nice strategy we should employ, me thinks.


New Member
There is a small window you got to run before the two polaritys starts to deal damage to eachother, so you wan't everyone to run as soon as their polarity change


In Cryo Sleep
Yeh you can notice it on both normal and heroic. You have like 2 seconds before the ticks go off and neutralize everyone within range.


In Cryo Sleep
The trick isn't getting 2 solid stacks of people, it's getting the initial polarity shift done perfectly with no deaths. Once the two adds are dead, everyone must make the jump. It's then a simple case of getting everyone in melee range of the boss.

On first polarity shift if you have two solid large stacks at max melee range from the boss (regardless of the positioning i.e. groups set at 90 degrees or 180 degrees around the boss) it's then a simple case of the raid leader announcing polarity shift. The raid then goes on autopilot during those 5 seconds to watch if the debuff changes, and if it does then because all are in max melee range it's a simple case of running to the other camp.

We (northrend exposure) use a red (-ve) right, blue (+ve) left grouping, and it works grand. It is however imperative that all the raid participate in this, i.e. no healers or ranged off in their own little corner as the damage boost is the only way to kill before enrage.


In Cryo Sleep
Just like to add, i used this tactic last night on thadius in a pug altho it was more like

-- BOSS ++

with the tank moving when he shifts polarity, extreamly simple and altho we wiped a lot we got him to 30% worst case and 10% best, it seems like the way we were doin it before when u look at the diagram except everyones a lot closer, even the casters stay on his hit template so your always getting x9 power thru the fight, plus because your so tight to the boss when u need to move over its a lot faster to get back with your polarity.
I have no dought at all if the haven was raidin it last night at our current level of dps we would stil have succeded, with everyone boosting there power almost 100% most of the fight.


In Cryo Sleep
When we try him again, we shall be using the only tactic. It has been demonstrated in video here already but here is a birds eye view of the boss fight as we do it.


The only thing not mentioned is that at the start of the fight before any polaritys have been assigned everyone will be in the Tank Group position. This will allow us to effectively overcome the 25 man enrage timer. I also recommend anyone who is leading the ten man raids use this tactic as practise. I have been and it's proving effective.


Active Member
Tuld, maybe it's just me but what you illustrated here is different from what is being shown in the video. The only switch in one 90° quadrant, as in from South to West and back West to South if needed, never running "behind the boss" as to say. Is there a reason for your change or is it just me being dumm?


In Cryo Sleep
Well in the Vid the tank moves aswell, so it's a bit different and takes time for people to react when the tank shouts out his charge. That's probably why there's this rotation there. When you have set places for people with charges, it's only up to everyone to watch their charges, so in fact the switch time should be faster.


New Member
When you have set places for people with charges, it's only up to everyone to watch their charges, so in fact the switch time should be faster.


But theres a different strategy that is even simpler: the Four-point strategy.

We form a square around Thaddius with the two groups on diagonally opposite points. On a polarity shift, if your charge changes, run to the point on your right. If your charge stays the same, run to the point on your left.


That way,
  • you only have to watch your own charge
  • you know you will have to move beforehand
  • the tank does not have to announce their charge
  • there is no way people with different charges cross paths
  • at least the non-tank group cannot be parried at all

Sure, Thaddius will be turning when the tank moves, but is this really a problem? Discuss!


In Cryo Sleep
Don't think it's that much simpler, that the one posted by Mell. In that video, the only inconvinience is that people cross the same path. In the one you posted, people have to also remember which is the right side. I am totally fond of the one presented in the video, that includes tank moving, because as our trip to Naxx once showed it is really effective. And does not require to watch tank's charge, which might be very confusing.


New Member
people have to also remember which is the right side.

Well, if you can't tell left from right...:D

Seriously, it's really simple - it's always the same: if your charge changes, run to the point on your right. If your charge stays the same, run to the point on your left.

Where you have to move only depends on whether your charge changes or not, and you always move 90° around Thaddius, no matter where you are currently standing.


In Cryo Sleep
I still think the video one is much easier. You dont have tot think which way to run, and sometimes people might "forget" what charge they had just a second before, you know the fights are hectic. And the only thing you have to remember in the vid one, is that if you are + you are ought to stand near the edge. If you are - you are ought to stand in the back.


In Cryo Sleep
so am i - when you have DBM installed, you get a warning on like half of your screen... and that thing means - move you goof! :) nothing more, nothing less...

but let me ask you something - is the path crossing really the reason of getting shocked, rather than slow reactions of some raiders? i think it is the latter of these two and that, in theory, can not be solved by changing the routes, since you zap the group you are running AWAY from, not the one that you run to, so the direction shouldn't really matter. Please correct me if am wrong here :)