Thatbirds future


Junior Administrator
Wow.. I read that as something much different..

Christ so did I.

I only realised it didn't say what i thought it said after reading your post Nanor.

opps my bad:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Names are a real toughy. I comes down to what you want to be called. I can't imagine being anything but bob tbh. But as some of us call you bex anyway i guess it doesn't make too much difference.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I would like to point out that I wasn't totally making that one up, either...

thatbird said:
[Today 16:15] thatbird: yes I have a killer throat! dont get to close! LOL

Maybe it should have been "KillerThroat" instead? :p


In Cryo Sleep

TBH guys i think it would be a great tragedy to kill of the bird as so many of u love it.


New Member
Birdy sounds like a cheap golf pun. If you were called that, i'd forever imagine you as an old person in checked trousers and one of those daft hats/caps they wear. What do you call those things?