The beginning of the end of Gearscore


Well-Known Member

Take a gander at that; throttling inspect requests should hopefully lighten server loads a bit (mods that have anything to do with gear other than your own uses up a LOT of a server's capabilities due to the constant spamming of /inspect requests and the transmitting of relevant data over mod chat channels.

It also means that Gearscore in its current state will become at least much slower and more arduous to use, if not entirely unusable.

I'm so very, very happy right now.


Active Member
...throttling inspect requests should hopefully lighten server loads a bit...

Can't we just throttle Gearscore users? Would serve me just fine. Anyway, Gearscore means nothing as long as it doesn't include Skillscore. I rest my case. :D


In Cryo Sleep
I am mourning the loss of such a wonderful and undeniably accurate tool such as GS already. Ok, not really. I'm celebrating, actually. :)


In Cryo Sleep
its taken me all this time to get 2nd best GS in the guild an they take i out!!!! Arggggghhh


Super Moderator
Staff member
Finally. Gearscore. The most useless thing to hit the realms since..well. The most useless thing to ever hit the realms. Period. Can hardly wait to see it unusable and/or gone :D


Active Member
well ashya.. u dont have skill nor good gear.. u should be mourning lol :D
i joke

Yet you are so right. But I don't hide my lack of skill behind a gearscore I got by lucky rolls and mooching off pugs. :D


Active Member
How is this the end of gearscore, its just the end of lagging out during stuff like pp hc25 \o/, i have tooltip talents and that remembers the last 30 ppl i looked at, whew, still any step to reduce lag will help alot.

It also means that Gearscore in its current state will become at least much slower and more arduous to use, if not entirely unusable.



LOL!! you guys crack me up, why do you all see gearscore as such an evil thing??, it was only intended as a quick way of seeing what kinda gear someone was wearing, which,and forgive me if im wrong, is what the inspect option does, which i know you ALL do if you want to decide if said person could lets say tank ICC.

Fair enough some people use it as a bench mark, such as "you cant come to icc unless your GS is over 5.2" , which i do disagree with as it is not a measure of skill but only gear, having said that you would not take a massivly under geared person, (geared in 200/219 gear) to tank/heal ICC, not because there gear is low and so their skill must be low but just because they will die far to fast as a tank or not be able to put out the numbers for healing or dps.

Hence one way or another you NEED to know what kinda gear they are wearing and if their GEAR is good enough to do said job, be it by inspecting/wow armory/wow heroes or dare i say it gearscore.

I know alot of you will whine and bitch about this thread but hey i dont care lol :)


Active Member
Well, I have no problem with GS/inspecting/whatever. But I -do- have a problem with the current trend of people using their GS as a banner declaring how "good" they are. Since after all it is a measure of gearing, not skill.


Well, I have no problem with GS/inspecting/whatever. But I -do- have a problem with the current trend of people using their GS as a banner declaring how "good" they are. Since after all it is a measure of gearing, not skill.

Very true mate i agree completely, but thats not the only thing its used for so it can be useful :)


Well-Known Member
How is this the end of gearscore, its just the end of lagging out during stuff like pp hc25 \o/, i have tooltip talents and that remembers the last 30 ppl i looked at, whew, still any step to reduce lag will help alot.


Because the inspects will be throttled, until people start using the mod much less, the same number of requests will be going out as currently. However, many won't return, or will only return after multiple requests, and might have incomplete results.

From reading some stuff on WoWAce and other places, it sounds like until they update all the relevant mods, many of them will stop working because they're not made to handle time-outs on inspect requests, or might just bug out like crazy. After they get updated, they'll be returning results more slowly than before, assuming general usage and level of inspect-querying doesn't go down much.

Long story short; if usage remains as high as now, it'll slow down or freak out before updating, and will just slow down afterwards.

Shame people can't take the hint and STOP USING THE GORRAM MOD. As I've said several times in the past, I consider it a gkick offense to use the mod when deciding who gets into any group where you're controlling (or have a hand in) the invites.

Edit: Sounds like the throttling might be something like 4-5 inspects per 10 seconds, so you can't just slide a mouse across the screen in Dalaran and inspect dozens in a second. If that's the case then yes, it'll barely affect the mod. I has a sad...


I consider it a gkick offense to use the mod when deciding who gets into any group where you're controlling (or have a hand in) the invites.

LOL,LOL and a little bit of LOL for good measure, will it also be a /g kick offence to inspect someone and tell them they cant come because their gear is too low???


Active Member
I second Burrick on this one. Don´t blame the mod, blame the inappropriate use of it. In many a case it is a viable tool to assess one´s capabilities. As noted above, you can´t have someone in 219s doing ICC. Sorry, you just can´t, unless you want the person to be carried. No amount of skill evens out that level of difference.


Well-Known Member
it is a viable tool to assess one´s capabilities

No, it assesses the combined item level of a person's gear; not if the gear is appropriate, properly gemmed, backed up by proper talents and glyphs, and - this is the big one - if the person with the gear is worth a damn.

It in no way assesses capabilities :p

Edit: oh, and as a side note; when ICC was just the first four bosses, with no extra wings open, no buff, and before the initial nerfs (like the Marrowgar threat drop), for the first three raids I was tanking it with five pieces of ilevel 200 tanking gear (two of which I still have). These days, even with the upgraded gear I have and the 25% buff, people who use Gearscore numbers as the sole indicator of worth would dismiss me out hand. 'nuff said.


Active Member
Yeah and you went splot on Muradin, I remember that quite vividly. Gear is a substantial part of capability to perform one´s job properly. Of course I assume one won´t be sporting tanking gear and caster trinkets, for instance, to ramp up the GS, but how many - even noobish - people do that anyhow. Proper spec is a concern, but neither I or Burrick ever said you should pick people based on GS only. Just that it´s generally a good way of assessing general gearing level. Which it bloody well is.