The Black Temple Awaits...


In Cryo Sleep
It is about time my friends that we enter the Black Temple, non? Oui, I hear your cry and I agree with you! To that end I plan on taking you there before the patch comes out and how fitting that it should be on halloween. Anyone wishing to come will have some bars to cross to qualify and make no mistake, these are NOT optional.

1) EVERYONE in the raid must have AT LEAST 9000 health UNBUFFED, so that when buffed you have over 10000. You should aim to have the 10,000 unbuffed though. The reason for this, in case you were thinking "eh?", is because the first boss in there does a raid wide 8,500 damage every 60 like that?

2) We will need absolutely our best healers for this, possibly more than 7 so bear this in mind if you have a healing character you may be asked to bring them instead.

3) EVERYONE must bring full elixirs/flasks, potions (Just do it :P), bandages and what not.

4) Also, soulstones and combat res' will be invaluable in this fight, but people should note that without the 9K unbuffed hp, you will not qualify for either of these during the fight and also, druids and warlocks may gain slight favoritism during the inviting process, however, to all druids and warlocks - DO NOT ABUSE THIS PRIVILEGE!

The corresponding raid sign up page is here...and I suggest you prepare!

Evil Emz

In Cryo Sleep
I agree

First few bosses in BT are very easy. I suggest you to read the about these bosses.

If you dont study... we will be watching you!


I just read about the bosses in BT and all i can say is good luck,
cos you will need it. I dont have any clue on how strong The Haven
has become but i hope you are ready. Larul will chanel a spell he
lerned from Garridel that works even if he is offline. It will give you
3% more morale and cos morale aint an official stat you cant see
the buff but you will feel it.
Tell me how far you got and if there was any nice loot.


In Cryo Sleep
Good to hear that you guys are finally going to attempt bt, im really gutted i dont have any game time.

Would love to come along just to see bt before WoTLK comes out, but i know buying more game is probably a worse idea for me than a good one.

either way good luck for when you go guys


Well-Known Member
A note to any Retribution Paladins that attend; get the Clique mod. Art of War's instant flash heal is FAR too valuable to only use on yourself on the occasions where the feces hits the rotary air redistribution device, and Clique can let you configure something like Shift-Left-Clicking on someone's unitframe cast Flash Heal on them. If you haven't already got it, get it. The first fight will be VERY heal intensive and we'll need maximum healing functionality.


In Cryo Sleep
Sounds like fun. to bad im bussy that day.

if you decides to go again ill come, can bring my healadin if healing is needed


Junior Administrator
Also, the blue vendor-purchasable PvP set may offer you more stamina, for the cost of about 60G, these pieces of kit also have Gem slots so it may be worth looking at whether or not that set will give you the required health


Well-Known Member
I got myself some blue PvP stuff, as well as searching the AH for anything labelled with "of stamina". The problem for you healers is you might lose too much bonus healing, whereas the DPS loss I had wasnt vital on the raid as much as losing healing will be on Naj'entus =\


In Cryo Sleep
I can imagine that getting stam gear for the healers would be difficult, i know that even on my paladin id be lucky if she has come close the 9k health mark and the only upgrade besides T5 she can get is the ZA shield, how ever i know with pvp gear i can get it above 9k i think, but i loose alot if i rememebr correctly.


In Cryo Sleep
On a note before people start radically changing there gear!

Getting Netherwing Exhalted gives you a +45 stam Trinket

Anyone who did Brewfest could Possibly have a Brewmaiden +45 Stam Trinket

And any 1 desperatly in need should consider running Heroic MGT (now its a piece o piss) for the +57 Stam Commendation of Kael'thas Trinky dink

Up to a possible 90 or 102 +stam here


In Cryo Sleep
Good luck guys, BT is a fun change from the norm, especially when you've ran MH a bunch of times, it gets boring =P. On a different note, I wouldn't go changing your gear too drastically for the fight, 10k health fully buffed is plenty, so as long as you can get that raid buffed, honestly, you'll be grand, all it requires is for the healers to heal everyone up to full before the spine is used, not too difficult. Good luck, and have fun, Decky.


In Cryo Sleep
i do agree if your a priest healer you can always have your shield on your self to, as its only every 60 secs that the hit comes in its not to hard to time when to click it, i went recently and they have nurfed damage a bit, there was a priest there with only 8k health that was low but he stayed alive as long as the rest . but the more you got the less chance of dieing,


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

In that case, with just some gear I had scattered around in my bank, I bumped myself up to around 8.7k, and I presume that should be plenty...
