The Black Temple Awaits...


New Member
I have about 7.7k ish in my PvE gear, but I can easily re-arrange some enchants (got enough mats in GB for that) and there's a few +stam trinkies I can craft (may need donations from the GB for that).

I have a few rings and other trinkets with +stam here n there, may need a couple of blue PvP gear to up the stamina but I'm pretty sure I can get my HP over 10k. The downside is that it may have a bad effect on my MP and bonus healing, however these are not that much of a problem (especially since the pre-patch released).

- Vonya


Well-Known Member
We came. We saw. We obliterated.

Five out of nine bosses, four of them one-shots.

I feel reasonably safe in saying that we may, in fact, have been prepared.

(side note: rawr, over 1700DPS)


In Cryo Sleep
Grats on that one guys, and damn you, im seriously damn tempted to come back just to see the black temple before WoTLK

personally i would have preffered attempting it before the last patch went live before all the bosses got the 20% nerfs.

Eitherway i would love to go see it so i dont miss the end game lv 70 stuff aswell, like many i already missed the lv 60 content


In Cryo Sleep
Just to get the info across: Apparently it was decided on TS the other day that at least 2 pieces of shadow resist kit are now mandatory (or at least highly recommended) for a raid spot on BT to get past that one boss or the other. Just learned that by accident from people asking for that kind of gear on /g. If you read the forums carefully you can also find the info in this thread. Epic.