The Cycle (a text adventure)

The Martin

In Cryo Sleep
Hello, THN. Let's play a game.

I suppose most of you already have a text adventure (or any forum game for that matter) or two under your belts, so you have an idea what to do. For those of you who don't - you're controlling the main character of the game. Your input should consist of suggestions on what the character should do, or questions about the environment. I will then post the results (and answers), accompanied by an illustration. Keep in mind, though, while you can influence the character's actions, you don't have total control over them; they have their own motivation, their own limits.

Are you interested?

The Martin

In Cryo Sleep
Ah, didn't make myself clear. I'll fire the first shot, so to speak, once I see enough interest has been sparked.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I think Nanor was intending that to be his (albeit short) opening salvo. I'm certainly interested, though my availability during weeks is pretty low due to work constraints. Still interested, though.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm serious, where am I? Why are there babies everywhere? Where the hell is my pizza?

Yes, I'm interested!


Junior Administrator
I'm in but am probably going to be working more in the next few weeks so not sure how much I can contribute.

The Martin

In Cryo Sleep
Let's kick it off, then.




What's that sound?


Active Member
Count me in. For the time's being ;)

EDIT: Right, couple more questions on my mind, if you wish to moderate this or move or whatever feel free to - I'd love to know some background on the character. If I control him, I AM him and as such I would know at least something about myself. Who I am, where do I live, how old I am etc.

The Martin

In Cryo Sleep
Right, couple more questions on my mind, if you wish to moderate this or move or whatever feel free to - I'd love to know some background on the character. If I control him, I AM him and as such I would know at least something about myself. Who I am, where do I live, how old I am etc.

Her, not him. Everything else in due time.

Sorry, I don't understand. What do we do now?

React with suggestions such as "Wake up", "Look out the window" or "Search for whatever's making the sound".

Imagine you're playing an adventure game.


Active Member
Obviously, this must be my cell. Half-asleep feel my way around hoping to find it and if that succeeds, accept the call/read message.

The Martin

In Cryo Sleep
Tipping the couch is a bit much for our barely-awoken rabbit girl. However, the source of the sound is readily apparent.


It's a mobile phone. It's hers and it just received a text message.


Active Member, if I understand correctly, there is just one storyline and player-based suggestions are accepted on "first come first served" basis?

See above, I check the message.

The Martin

In Cryo Sleep, if I understand correctly, there is just one storyline and player-based suggestions are accepted on "first come first served" basis?

One storyline, yes. As for the suggestions, as I said I'll be trying to accomodate everyone. In this part there's not a lot of room for contradictions, so I'm accepting them all.

It takes me a while to make a new picture, though, so if it looks like I'm ignoring you, it just means you posted while I was busy scribbling. Don't worry, your suggestion will be included in the next round.

See above, I check the message.



Active Member
No problem with the response time, I can keep myself busy and rest assured that this is just an initial burst of attention I'm giving you ;)

Right, do I have an idea:
a) who is that message from
a1) what might be the reason the person wants to see me
b) what time is it (check the phone)
c) to what tree is it referring to
c1) how far is that tree


Active Member
If I do NOT know answers to the rest, please tell me so. If the character knows but I as player must not, say so as well, please, so that we are clear.