The Governments way of protecting Women


In Cryo Sleep
Tetsuo_Shima said:
I think its pretty clear who I was insinuating.

It wasn't entirely clear *which* ethnic minority you were insulting. Perhaps all of them?

Either way my 'aryan race' comment holds true to you.


New Member
Tetsuo_Shima said:
Its the same with a lot of things really. I believe (without trying to veer this topic off course) that asylum seekers and 'all of that crowd' (or at least some/most of them) also play this kind of game, whereby anything negative brought upon them is automatically classified as racially motivated. Worst thing is, the government actually panders to this kind of thing, neglecting the (geographically) true descendants of the UK in order to gain a more politically favourable image.

Example: Baa Baa Black Sheep being doctored to Baa Baa Wooly/Rainbow Sheep. Which I find, by all accounts, ridiculous.

And what exactly do asylum seekers have to do with rapists?

I hope your not just using this thread as an excuse to be 'racist'. You need to be careful, some of your comments have a distinct 'Nazi' tint to them.

Just watch what you say, ok?


In Cryo Sleep
Taffy said:
And what exactly do asylum seekers have to do with rapists?

I hope your not just using this thread as an excuse to be 'racist'. You wanna be careful mush, some of your comments have a distinct 'Nazi' tint to them.

Just watch what you say, ok?

Jesus H Christ put a sock in it. Every single thing I say, Taffy, you have to find a fault in it. I wasnt entirely off topic, I was explaining that the asylum seeker situation is somewhat similar to the rapist situation in that they (SOME of they) use governmental protection as a tool. That is pretty fucking harsh calling me a Nazi because of a pretty legitimate and backed-up point that I made.

Perhaps all of them?

Not a singular ethnic minority, not all ethnic minorities, but the immigrants who cause trouble. Which happens to be a fair number of them.


New Member
Tetsuo_Shima said:
Jesus H Christ put a sock in it. Every single thing I say, Taffy, you have to find a fault in it.

Such as? When did I find a fault in what your saying, unless what you were saying is wrong? I just expressed my opinion that I thought that what you said was completely wrong, entirely off-topic and bloody racist!

And if you meant a few of them, why not say that. Maybe your thinking isn't racist, but the way that you expressed yourself was.

Just meant watch what you say and how you say it.


Staff member
Gents; locking the thread deprives those who know how to debate reasonably from doing so. A far fairer solution is to prevent those who are unable or unwilling from being reasonable adults from participating.

Consider this your one and only warning and in-case you have forgotten what this community is about then I refer you to the board terms of service point 3:

Throughout this discussion board respect should be the first thing on your mind. Respect your fellow members and respect their thoughts and contributions. You may not agree with their thoughts but you should respect them all the same.

Don't make me take this further and lets continue to have interesting debates in a coherant manner.


Hmm, I'd agree with the idea that all forms of legisture can be used and abused. Yes we all see a murder become a "race crime" and the idea of people being motivated by stupid things like race or sexuality is still here in 2006.

However, it's probably how you put it, but how does racial equality legisture help immigrants? (i.e when being deported, does the cry "it's because I'm black" ring on deaf ears)

or are you going on a differant line and suggesting that immigration is the cause of social trouble (due to "troublemaking elements" or whatever)

If you're going on the second line, I must strongly disagree, I feel no more or no less threatened by an Asian Chav than I do by a European Chav. (sorry for the social stereotype, but for the purpose of argument)

I don't see how race affects how we treat people, nor should it do so.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Fi$hy said:
I don't see how race affects how we treat people, nor should it do so.

I understand why you write that, but I disagree with the way that point logically extends.

I believe what you mean is that no matter whether I'm black or white or yellow, European or Asian or African, I should be entitled to fair treatment both by judicial systems and by society or local communities at large. That thought I agree with.

However, I do see how race, or gender, or sexuality, or body type, or hair colour or, indeed, any number of attributes necessarily affects how we are treated in any particular circumstance. I don't believe that any of these necessarily predisposes me to being stupid or criminal or malcontent, but I do believe that the differences will continue to provide divisions through simple lack of understanding, and in those divisions we will continue to find hate and fear. Our only defences against this hate and fear are altruism, which I don't believe is sustainable in wider society, and understanding. The latter I wholeheartedly believe we should strive for with all our beings, as from understanding we can, perhaps, arrive at appreciation and close those divisions up just a little more.

If I understand that women, once a month, go through an immense hormonal stress as they menstruate then I can appreciate, at least a little, that they may feel a little tetchy at that "time of the month" and hope to forgive them for it because it's their biology talking, not necessarily their real wishes. If I understand that, for Japanese girls, the cutting of their hair is a symbolic action that signifies that they have grown from a girl into a woman then I'm a step closer to appreciating their culture and way of thought.

So rather than say that race is not an important factor I'd rather say that race is a fundamentally important factor, and that I (we!) should choose to learn about these differences and, through that understanding, close the gaps that breed hatred and fear.

(Sorry Fi$hy if you feel I'm beating on you with this!)


Staff member
Ronin Storm said:
So rather than say that race is not an important factor I'd rather say that race is a fundamentally important factor, and that I (we!) should choose to learn about these differences and, through that understanding, close the gaps that breed hatred and fear.

Here's an exercise for you: replace "race" with "gender". Does this still apply for you? I'm an equity feminist myself (although I wouldn't call gender a fundamentally important factor), but I'm surrounded by gender feminists (of course, that's what I call them...), and have been in quite a few arguments over the matter.

anyway, back to the point - would you say the same about gender? Or sexuality? Or body type, for that matter?

edit: just realised a bit of clarification might be needed. By "equity feminist" I mean I think we should acknowledge the differences between men and women, and also that gender is not a social construct, but that everyone, regardless of anything (=gender in this case), should have full equality (be it of the legal, social or opportunity kind - or any other i might have forgotten). Whereas a "gender feminist" would be a person that extends the equality argument from a basis of something on the lines of "men and women are completely alike, apart from the obvious physical differences".

I'm tired now. Need to get up early tomorrow to have things stuck down my nose.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Docbot said:
would you say the same about gender? Or sexuality? Or body type, for that matter?

I would same the same about gender. And sexuality. And body type. I wouldn't claim to have even most of these differences figured, but it is most certainly a work in progress. As an aside to that, even as willing to explore the difference as I might wish to be I find it hard, sometimes, to really get past the pieces of pretrained discrimination I appear to have. Do I really treat all people in the light of an opportunity to learn how we differ and close these gaps? No, I have too many trained-in defensive reactions (look for them in yourself and you will probably find them there too). But I'd like to understand. Hard aspiration to meet...


Junior Administrator
thatbird says
just to swing this right round to the begingin.........

my veiw of it is that adverts wont stop rape and thats a fact. no one is that taken bu adverts but the government like to think we are!!

i know girls who "play games" and i know guys who do it to so to be honest its all fair. although ur right that women do get the softer touch because they have boobs which is so unfair because in sex each party is as much involved as the other (joke: does depend what ur doing!!!!) but yes its unfair and its the smae in gay sex so i think there should be the same laws applied to everyone.

i think the worlds problem is that as much as everyone likes to think they are open minded they all have their issues and some our for a clear reason and some our based on a feeling or here'say (i got the in here woohoo).

to be honest i think people whould reealise that the dont have to tell every one their open minded and just be open minded.

ive never met a sole who dosent have a problem with a characteristic in people. BUT UR STILL A PERSON SO LIVE WITH IT!!!

so i try... and when i find it hard i just foget it. yay