The Haven's Karazhan progress


In Cryo Sleep
Hi guys, not sure you know or want this info, but, i'll tell you any way lol. I was speaking to a friend of mine regarding our go at the curator on the 23rd. He informed that when he was on the curator, they had 1 lock off tank the curatot, making sure he's 2nd on aggro list, with his fel hunter out. They had another lock takin adds with the imp out. When all the sparks where down they nuked boss. They had a dedicated healer on lock and main tank, and the remainin grp took the sparks. Not sure if u like this tic tac but there uyou have it :eek:

This is what I was intending to do yesterday, mate. :)

There is one thing to mention, though: the Curator will NOT fire the hateful bolts at a visible 2nd place in "normal" aggro list target, but to the 2nd place in what is usually called a "prime list". Prime list targets are maintained separately from our customary aggro list, so it is a touchy moment. Felpup is absolutely mandatory for the lock that serves as a hateful bolt sponge, and some extra AR gear (Which I've been collecting as of late) helps healers by allowing them to conserve mana more efficiently.

Basically, even the hateful bolt sponge gets to do some neat DPS, but he must keep in mind that LT can't be abused, or he'll overstress the healers (and I think our healers in particular got stressed enough by having Mr. Moroes garroting them all the time... :D ).