The Identify This Thread


In Cryo Sleep
Right, this has been bugging me for the longest time. Sorry, but I don't really have too much information on this one, I'm hoping someone will be able to clock it straight away, because it's very hard to find on the net. Here goes:

I need the name (and any links or youtube videos for reminiscing over) of a childrens' TV program aired in the early nineties, around the same time as 'Fun House' (it's a whole lotta fun!) was first on, I think.

Basically, it was one of those kiddy game shows, possibly an early Saturday morning show, which seemed to be a sort of cross between Crystal Maze and Gladiators. It was set inside a large spacecraft (the interior of which looked dark and industrial, maybe resembling the prison colony in Alien 3) in which two teams of two (or three, I cant remember!) kids, around 10 years of age or so, competed against each other in various sci-fi themed tasks loosely tied to the ships duties i.e. climb through vent shafts and 'fix' stuff and things like that. I do recall it being particularly adventurous, like one of the tasks was to retrieve fuel rods from the bottom of a pool type thing and they had the surface of the water on fire and stuff, it was a good show :)
Anyway, after competing in several tasks they always had this one challenge at the end of the show to escape the spaceship which was sort of similar to Gladiator's Eliminator (climbing up rigging nets, balancing over poles etc.) If they managed to 'escape' from the ship, I think they recieved a modest prize from the host.



Active Member
What was that show where kids would be on some kind of board game with this scary dude that said "Moooooove". And if he got close to a kid he made them vanish.


In Cryo Sleep
Right, this has been bugging me for the longest time. Sorry, but I don't really have too much information on this one, I'm hoping someone will be able to clock it straight away, because it's very hard to find on the net. Here goes:

I need the name (and any links or youtube videos for reminiscing over) of a childrens' TV program aired in the early nineties, around the same time as 'Fun House' (it's a whole lotta fun!) was first on, I think.

Basically, it was one of those kiddy game shows, possibly an early Saturday morning show, which seemed to be a sort of cross between Crystal Maze and Gladiators. It was set inside a large spacecraft (the interior of which looked dark and industrial, maybe resembling the prison colony in Alien 3) in which two teams of two (or three, I cant remember!) kids, around 10 years of age or so, competed against each other in various sci-fi themed tasks loosely tied to the ships duties i.e. climb through vent shafts and 'fix' stuff and things like that. I do recall it being particularly adventurous, like one of the tasks was to retrieve fuel rods from the bottom of a pool type thing and they had the surface of the water on fire and stuff, it was a good show :)
Anyway, after competing in several tasks they always had this one challenge at the end of the show to escape the spaceship which was sort of similar to Gladiator's Eliminator (climbing up rigging nets, balancing over poles etc.) If they managed to 'escape' from the ship, I think they recieved a modest prize from the host.


you're a cock, i know exactly which show it is your on about, but not the name :(, dam you this will keep me awake for days


Super Moderator
Staff member
KC the guy in black was called the dark knight and the program used to be on CBBC at about 4:30 IIRC, all i remember was that the object of the team was to complete as many of the taks as possible to give them as much time at the end to search the "penthouse suite" for the prizes.

actually having done another search i think it was incredible games


Junior Administrator
Do you remember that VR show that was hosted by Craig Charles? It was on at around 6pm I think...


In Cryo Sleep
What was that show where kids would be on some kind of board game with this scary dude that said "Moooooove". And if he got close to a kid he made them vanish.

Hey! I forgot about this one, and I couldn't remember the name of it either! Such a good show, I remember that chess-like board game you're talking about (we used to play it on the square-block patio round the back of the extension in primary school!) and I remember one of the 'minigames' where the kids had to try and collect some sort of foamy body parts or something from inside a kind of biological cave thing. it was good! :) But I still can't find the show i was talking about ... :(

EDIT: I can also recall the 'alphabet soup' game referred to on the wikipedia page, they had to swim about in an oversized cereal bowl and fish the letters out :D

EDIT2: thatbloke - Run The Risk sounds very close, but I dont remember much about gunge. Sounds very close though, maybe it is what Im thinking about but its been so long Ive forgotten!

EDIT3: No actually, ive just watched this and I remembered straight away (because of the big footprint logo :D) and this is somethijng different. Still watching it for nostalgia though :D

EDIT4: For KC - Incredible Games 1 Incredible Games 2 Incredible Game 3 and more to the point OH MY GOD the little Britain guy!


In Cryo Sleep
Ok, heres another one that just popped into my head:

It was a film, early nineties I believe, where some scientist got shrunk down in a little floaty craft type thing and injected into some guys body. I first saw it when i was about 5 and it freaked me out at the time.
Memorable moments include the craft nearly being sucked into the guys heart, firing some clamp things into the guys optic nerve (which hurt him a lot) and a final battle with another craft-thing in the guy's stomach. Need to know the name of this so I can look it up!


Junior Administrator
heeeeeey I can remember seeing that movie myself... he went all through the body and it turned out he had been injected into the wrong body and they had to get him out before he got big again IIRC.

Can't remember its name though...


Well-Known Member
IF anyone can find me the video that this image is taken off I'll love you!



Junior Administrator
For starters nanor, the font used in that edited clip is completely different to the who wants to be a millionaire show :)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Maybe he wanted us to identify what he was selling :D :D. Go Go bad necro post with spam :)