Well, I've been mulling my own thoughts and feelings on this for a number of days, and I finally decided to post something. (Meh, better late than never, in this case, I guess.

Thing is, Duren and Ronin Storm already made some of the points I was going to make, so I'll let those lie, adding my full support to all their points.
The one thing I wanted to add: in my opinion, your plan for the guild has way too many ranks. I'd cull three, or at least two ranks out of the mix.
Suggestions below. Justification first.
I've managed a number of community groups, whether they be forums, student associations, clubs, etc, both online and in RL. My experience, designed group structures always look better on paper than they work in practice. Three months from now, you will have no new Adepts, most Officers worth their salt will have converged into Haven Elite, and the structure of the guild, in practice, will not resemble what you have on paper. As a result, communication is bound to suffer, and that means integration will be harder. Easy integration is, IMHO, the number one priority for tight knitting. (By the way, in case it's not obvious, I think that most of what Duren and Ronin Storm said are directly and strongly related to integration.)
So, suggestions. (A word of warning: I sometimes come off as being a bit arrogant or a bit of a know-it-all. If that happens, appologies in advance. The word "suggestions" is to be taken literally.

1) I'd get rid of Veteran. I don't see a reason why members shouldn't be able to edit their personal notes right off the bat. If you can't trust a proper member to say what they want to say about themselves, do you really want them in your group of friends?
2) I'd merge Officer and Haven Elite together, and I'd go one further. You might consider making it an open goal for every member of the guild. I.e., it should be a rank that everyone could strive for and attain if they're willing to have the attitude and put in the effort. (Ask yourself, if at one point in time, you have ~70 peeps in the guild, would you be happy if everyone in the guild is a Haven Elite? I would, as it means everyone in the guild really knows each other, talks with each other, helps each other, forumizes with each other, etc, etc.) Of course, it would still be a tough goal, as TS and forums for everyone is a noble, but alas, somewhat distant vision.
3) I'd merge Arbiter and Coordinator. Assist in organizing and running events, have areas to focus on, etc, that's not a very long shot to helping with the general administration, and really, if you're aiming for the 60~70 membership mark, you really will not need a management hierarchy.
Well, I've written a lot for what is decidely a rather minor point, but I wanted to share my experience, so there.
That said, I'd fully welcome having a better vision of what's expected of me as a member of the Haven in general, and as an Officer in particular (which is my current rank, though I fully understand it is subject to change in either direction when the new plan is fully implemented.)
One last question: do you have any particular plans for alt characters? (For instance, will they have the same ranks and responsibilities as the main if the main is in the guild?)
I just want to end with a special hug for waterproffbob, because, well, because I can.